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Everything posted by Milda

  1. You'r not alone :naughty: I think it's time to call him just Mika :teehee:

  2. You deserve it you doubted about Mika's ability of flying/landing
  3. Wait a minute, who are you talking about? :shocked: Mika Hakkinen? Yes, I know he's disappeared for a while... He finished his formula one driver career ten years ago :mf_rosetinted: and that's not Mika... Mika has blond straight hair and tight eyes :mf_rosetinted:

  4. Not convinced? That's KIMA's answer to you
  5. Hi :teehee: yeah, KIMA rocks :punk:


  6. Don't know maybe we are in wrong fan club? It could be Mika Hakkinen fan club... wow, he don't look like a human
  7. You are stalking us? wanna join in? you know what? I just looked on the top of this page and there's written "MIKA FAN CLUB" what a shame, they made a mistake in the main page And to be on topic :
  8. But there is no difference with plane or without it he still can't landing properly
  9. YES! I think you're right, his name is KIMA! but I don't think he's studying to become a pilot He can fly on his own
  10. There was a guy, who used to sing, but I haven't heard anything from him in ages I even don't remember his name
  11. I hear Mika's songs quite often in one shopping centre Already heard couple of times Relax, Grace Kelly, Any Other World, Love Today, Happy Ending, Billy Brown, Lollipop (I think there's working a LICM fan ) and Kick Ass
  12. Maybe he was... he's not very good at it And this smiley reminds me of someone But to tell the truth, I love that face expression He's like angry (crying) King Kong
  13. He looks like crying here don't cry Mika, someday you will learn how to fly...
  14. OMG I can imagine Mika's reaction if he would see this
  15. His hair not so excited about the bottle, but I love his crib
  16. He looks cute, admit it Because of curly hair?
  17. I found this on internet Mika looks sooo cute and i love his crib
  18. I know it's gonna be lame, but I wanna try too (and I'm sorry for my english) Me: Hey, what's up? Mika: Who are you? Me: It doesn't matter.. So, how's your album going? Mika: Great Me: When will you start giving us some titles/lyrics of new songs as you promised? Mika: Soon Me: You said the same thing in february. Mika: Me: Have you even started write new songs? Mika: Of course I have! New album is almost done. Me: Thanks God! All MFCers are going crazy without new material. But you know we all love you. I will not bother you anymore. Bye. Mika: Bye bye [hangs up] Mika: Jooooohn!!! Where are my old demos? John: Why do you need them? Mika: [silence] John: Forget I asked, I don't wanna know... Mika: [to himself] Recycling is a good thing, everybody knows that.
  19. It was New Year's evening, I think. Me and my sister were waching VH1 and suddenly Mika's Relax started playing I was like untill my mom shouted from another room: -Is that Pūkė (our cat) mewing? I think she wanna go outside... Our cat wasn't in the house at all that moment, so at first I was like then looked into my sister , then TV (where Mika's Relax were still playing) and again into my sister... Then we both started It was not funny at all, I was mad at my mom that day (ok, it was funny, sorry Mika)
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