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About ilseh1983

  • Birthday 03/18/1983


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    ... was i crazy all along

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  1. Happy Easter to you too, did you have a nice weekend?


    I went to work this morning :( but now I can chill out a bit. And the good thing is; after work I went to collect my ticket for Ronquières at Fnac :biggrin2:


    I'm sorry I didn't take time to look closely at where to stay in Liège. The problem with the hostel is that we seem tohave to be a member to have good prices, but I don't think it will be very useful for me in the future..

    About Ronquières, maybe you're right, I admit I look at all this from far away due to the fact that I don't know for sure that I'll go :( Is there anything around the festival? Isn't it the countryside?

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