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About Zola

  • Birthday 05/08/1987


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  1. cool scans cisserz, thanks I was actually there when this photograph of Rufus, Kate and Martha was taken last year
  2. Please, save it for a PM love. People here have already said how they've had enough. This is a place for happy, loving comments So... to anyone who wishes to answer, what is your favorite Rufus song and why? I personally love Beautiful Child, Poses, Danny Boy, Between My Legs, Agnus Dei and The Dream I love these songs because they represent a beautiful and eclectic slice of Rufus. They're all very different from each other and yet are so very very Rufus
  3. Wow. What an oppressive regime on this forum! How surprising, considering the peace and love that was being preached before. I also would like to know why this thread was locked? It is usually the duty of admin to explain why this was done, otherwise it's a bit of power abuse isn't it? Was there something inappropriate going on? All I saw was people pointing out verbal abuse, and coming to set the record straight. Defending ourselves against untrue comments surely is allowed? Admin didn't like what they were seeing the past few days? So you are saying that the past nastiness was ok by you? You all are saying basically that because you don't agree with what we are saying that we should just shut up? Enough is enough? Why not actually read the comments? We were not trying to pollute this thread. It's been done enough already by others! And we are pointing out what we think is extremely out of order. And you are trying to silence us? What kind of dictatorship is this? Will this post get me banned? We came here thinking we could connect with Mika fans who are also Rufus fans, and then to read into past comments, and not just this thread but the other ones about Rufus as well, and to see such horribly offensive comments back and forth about people I personally know... You say we have no right to feel insulted and to express our outrage? Or just to keep our outrage private? There is no guarantee a PM would be answered or even acknowledged and the problem is much deeper than that in any case. This is something that should be talked about publicly, if anything to prevent others from behaving in a similar manner in the future. This is not some petty argument between fans or however people are trying to portray it. It is much bigger than that. It truly is an unpleasant business and not so much fun to talk about, but surely such behavior should be addressed instead of ignored or accepted? Why is it that those in question have not actually responded? Sure the initial comments started here 2 years ago, but having read this entire thread before posts started to disappear, I saw a systematic tendency by some to just say awful things about the RWMB whenever it was brought up. A veritable smear campaign. Detrimental to everyone involved, because it causes people to not want to meet other fans and just destroys the fan culture. And as was pointed out this was still going on until very recently! Everyone seems to be trying to sweep all of this under the rug, or dismiss us as trying to stir up controversy. What I see is a serious breach of respect by outright lying and nobody caring that it was going on. I'm sorry, but editing and deleting said offensive comments, trying to make it look like they were never there, a thread where previously there were disparaging comments, suddenly the number of pages in that thread goes down? Posts that used to exist suddenly have mysteriously disappeared. Someone is working hard to cover their tracks. That suggests guilt to me. And believe me, those mentioned in the rude comments already know and have seen them for themselves. So deleting the words will not make them forget how they were insulted. Whitewashing everything is not going to make it go away. Why not be an adult and own up to your comments? If you think you are absolutely correct, why all of these actions that suggest guilt? You say if you wanted to discuss it you would have come to our forum? Well it is clear you had a lot to say considering the volume of insults I read on here. What gives you the right to spread malicious lies about people? It sure is easy when you think you won't get caught doing it. Is this not a discussion forum? Why will nobody discuss the blatant insulting that was taking place? Are your memories so short or selective that you choose to ignore it? The comment I quoted before, what about that? Is that acceptable behavior? Or is it ok because it wasn't about anyone on this forum? When you post a link to a video and then point someone out in it saying, oh this is her name and she did this and that, how is this appropriate? It is not only defaming someone's character, but also now complete strangers will know her face. And whoever said it does not matter to them the provenance of photos and videos, well it wouldn't matter to you since you did not take them. But the people who own them certainly DO care. They don't want people taking credit for their hard work. Would you? We are not here to insult anyone, and I do not see any real nastiness except what was already written before we even got here. It's unfortunate that when we are pointing out wrong-doing it is seen as tiresome, instead of something that should have been looked into a while ago. Just because the bulk of the comments were from 2 years ago, does not make it ok. Just because comments have now been amended or deleted does not make it ok. And there has been no hint of remorse whatsoever, which is shocking. It's easy to dismiss something that doesn't concern you, but if someone referred to you and fellow fans as skanky bitches with their heads up their arses, how would you feel? Maybe it is because we are talking about your fellow MFCers that you know and like that it is difficult to read and accept or understand. But using such language about anyone is just wrong, especially when there is no truth in it. Everyone knows this, surely. Admins are not able to check up on every single thread all the time, and on a forum like this one with such a large number of them I am sure it can be difficult. So shouldn't members police themselves and others? If you see such a rude and inappropriate remark, should you not suggest the person who wrote it perhaps curb their language? Or leave it for a private setting? You're telling us to settle it via private messages, well that is certainly hypocritical. When insulting others was the order of the day, nobody told them to keep it private. I can only assume the people who made the disparaging remarks thought of this thread and the other one about the Florida shows as their own private discussion area, and never thought that those talked about would ever see it let alone speak up. We thought this could be a nice place to talk about an artist we all enjoy, and instead we see it's just been a thread where insults were thrown around and people just let it slide. It is frankly rather disgusting, and even after having pointed it out nobody is stepping up to talk about it. Which is disappointing and disconcerting. I like Mika a lot, but am not so sure I would want to meet any of you if there was a possibility I'd get bitched about when my back was turned. So perhaps the lesson should be to watch what you say on the internet, because there are no guarantees that your comments won't make it back to the people they were about. And once it's out in the open, you really can't take it back. No matter how powerful the editing tools at your disposal are. I'd like to apologize again to other members for the length of my post and for not speaking directly on the topic of this thread, but censorship angers me. Apathy or acceptance in the face of verbal abuse, even more so.
  4. I would like to apologize in advance to the other members of this forum for the lengthy post, but I feel I must say all of this. Perhaps it is comments like the one above that prussell716 objects to. It indeed seems childish and inappropriate to vilify an entire message board based on your short experience with one small group of people nearly two years ago. Especially since you choose to make such comments here, and not confront whoever you have a problem with directly. You are lumping everyone together and putting down many many people you don't even know, ironically making you guilty of the same thing you accuse Rufus fans of supposedly doing. I also found my way here through the Helsinki show thread on the Rufus board and started to read this thread and other related ones out of curiosity. I always find it interesting to see what other people have to say about Rufus. Imagine my shock and dismay at seeing such comments about people I have met and know. It was so upsetting I felt compelled to sign up and post. I have never encountered any posts of such a rude nature about this forum or any other fan forum on our board, so surely the same respect should be extended to us. People may at times have issues with each other, and every forum has its politics, but I have never seen the terms "skanky bitch" "snotty" "gross" etc bandied about on the RWMB in reference to other fans. It looks very juvenile, immature and underhanded to say these things where most Rufus board members would never see them. If you feel so strongly perhaps you should make your comments on our board and see what response you get. I doubt anyone would be as rude as you have been about us on here. If anything, people would want to understand why you feel this way. Everyone was once a new fan wanting to meet Rufus, and nobody new has ever come back to the RWMB after a show to say other fans prevented them from meeting Rufus. I have attended many shows over the years and have never witnessed such a thing. I myself was first introduced to Rufus after a show by a fellow board member who told him my name and ushered me forward. I have only seen newbies return to the board after a show to thank the people who pushed them towards Rufus and took their photo with him. So is it not possible that you are misrepresenting events? I should hope that anyone who is a true fan of Rufus Wainwright would not comport themselves like a petulant child, spreading rumors and holding a grudge. There are people on our forum who are half your age and do not behave in such a manner. And on the subject of using photos and media without crediting, I can only agree with prussell716. From what I have seen, there were photos posted on here from Rufus' shows in Florida in 2008 that were taken straight from the RWMB. There is nothing inherently wrong with sharing these things, but only when proper credit is given to the photographers. If you post these pictures and pass them off as your own, this in effect constitutes theft and copyright infringement. It is especially hypocritical when you have spent a considerable amount of time making snide remarks about those who took the photos. If you have a problem, come say it directly. Don't hide on a completely different forum, poisoning people against us. prussell716 said it very well; peace and respect? I don't see it.
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