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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. I was not implying at all that we should just be yes-men and not express our opinions. But there are ways to do it and calling him names on twitter is not a right way IMO. That's why I said that if someone would not be comfortable in addressing the matter to Mika (if the proper occasion would happen), maybe that same person should think twice about addressing it at all. If anyone is comfortable enough to call him a liar straight in the face, then I have no problem with it. Because I totally agree that he should know what the real people think. In a polite and respectful way
  2. I'm not saying that people should not moan... But I think that anything that anyone would not say TO Mika should be kept in private conversations and not post on TW, FB, MFC or any public sites...
  3. No, it doesn't hurt the performance... I first heard the xmas song in an audio file first and I would have never have guessed he had the lyrics sheet in his hands... Same with Soleil, he sings that song with so much emotion! I don't really know why he thinks he needs that sheet sometimes, but like I said previously, I see it as some kind of security blanket
  4. http://blogue.enmusique.ca/blogue-2/top-2012-choix-fans Meilleur album : Nous avons eu plusieurs réponses à cette question, mais un choix qui semblait faire l’unanimité ou qui se retrouvait souvent en 2e position est Origin of Love de Mika. Le troisième album studio du chanteur britannique s’est hissé dans le haut de plusieurs palmarès et s’est même mérité la certification platine en France après seulement 3 semaines en magasin. Comme Catherine Hamel (@Cathouzouf) :blush-anim-cl:nous l’a suggéré sur Twitter, l’album de l’année des fans d’EnMusique est donc Origin of Love de Mika et nous vous le présentons avec le premier extrait de celui-ci, intitulé Celebrate : Translation Best album We had many answers for that one but a choice seemed obvious, or was often #2. It's Origin of Love from Mika. This third studio album from the british singer ranked high in many charts and was certified platinum in France after 3 weeks. As Catherine Hamel (@cathouzouf) :blush-anim-cl:suggested on Twitter, album of the year is Origin of love by Mika and here is the first extract Celebrate... Seemed they like my suggestion:thumb_yello:
  5. thanks Kath. Can we put it on a big banner for everyone to see please?
  6. on remets sa photo sur une pinte de lait, ca a marché la première fois:fisch:
  7. Thanks for finding these, so beautiful! Whoever got the idea for those drapes is a genius, it suited the song very well:thumb_yello:
  8. Des jaloux, il y en aura toujours:sneaky2: Je suis vraiment très heureuse pour toi!
  9. Lovely idea! My wedding was not so long ago (8 years, we tend to do things in reverse order:naughty:) So if I can be of any help, let me know:wink2:
  10. Looking forward to see it! Private lesson sounds interesting :-)
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