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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Can't wait to see this concert! As I have never seen him in small venues I can't talk, although my dream would be to see it one day. But I disagree with you about bigger venues. When he did the Balloon thing this summer, the venue was setting up in a field. You could not get bigger, impersonal and plain. I've watched the last 4-5 songs of the show from behind (my dauhter was not so keen at the front row experience) and I saw the interaction he had with this huge crowd. It was very incredible to witness
  2. It's not new, I've seen it before Quite interesting:thumb_yello:
  3. Yes I did. I guess the person handling the necessary paper stuff to get it registered is a bit behind in his/her work:mf_rosetinted:
  4. J'espère bien, au pire, on lui referra le coup de la pinte de lait:naughty: Mais bon, je sais faire preuve de patience
  5. I'm glad they asked him again Can you buy tickets for the final? That's what they do at Star ACadémie here, they had a few tickets that could be bought for every show,
  6. Could not have said it better. I think those private/corporate gigs are a very good way for him to get better known in market/audience that would not know about him...
  7. I tried to find sales figures for Canada or Quebec but couldn't.., All I was able to find was that Elle me dit, as a digital single, sold more than 50,000 copies (which is enough to be certified gold, but still hasn't been...) and that his show at the Ballon festival brought a huge crowd. I just wish we could see more of him soon:thumb_yello:
  8. I really liked it from the first time I had listened to it after buying the album... but when he sang it live, I totally felt in love with it. It's a very simple, heartfelt song and that is what makes it a beauty:wub2:
  9. A la finale de Star Académie... Bon, pas tout à fait un concert mais presque! Il a fait 7 ou 8 chansons :-)
  10. Bien contente de te revoir! Pas sûre que tu te souviens de moi ;-) je fais partie de ces pauvres québécoises qui s'accroche au peu de bonbons qu'on daigne lancer dans notre direction! Bon je ne me plaindrai pas trop, j'ai eu la chance de le voir 2 foisen 2012 mais j'en veux encore et encore!
  11. What you say about the US can be said at least for Quebec... The album was not a flop, it was in the top 20 selling album until a few weeks ago, with no promo except a few interviews done when he was at the Balloon festival a monthbefore the album was out. He has a large fan base, following 2 successful appearances on TV shows, but it's so scarse... I'm just hoping for some nice surprises soon... I just think it's a real waste... That much talent should dominate the world :-)
  12. I totally agree with you Deb, the French and Italian labels have done a fantastic promo job... I cannot say it was the case for the Canadian branch:mf_rosetinted: they are really lousy IMO
  13. jealous? me? never:wink2: And I can make you cheesecake whenever you want, just ask:thumb_yello:
  14. Oh I know now why he was there! He needed to practice for your personal private gig:naughty:
  15. Strangely, I heard a remis of Pink's Blow me one last kiss today and the **** part was not there but when they play the real song, it,s there!
  16. Was about to reply the same: hopefully at home tuck under a warm blanket:thumb_yello:
  17. Sorry to hear about your loss:huglove: For me, the song I associate with my dad, is Blue eyes... I was dumbstruck when I heard it the first time, because it related so much of what my father went through and he had the most beautiful blue eyes:blush-anim-cl:
  18. I have heard far more worse performance from singer that didn,t have any voice problems. Sure, we know it was not totally the most amazing performance but it was still far ahead a lot of crapy stuff you can hear on these shows:thumb_yello:
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