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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. The strangest thing is, I don't think he get much more plays in US radio. The album is doing really well in Quebec and was on top in the weeks following the release and I don't hear him on the radio quite often. There's even a radio station in Montreal that has a contest to go see Mika in Paris and while they advertise the contest, they don't play his music very much (they did play Karen at 3:30 AM:shocked:) Don,t know how to explain it...
  2. Was looking at one of my son's homework earlier and first thing that came to my mind was: that kid has such a bad handwriting... No dyslexia in sight
  3. Thank you for the translation, very interesting interview:thumb_yello:
  4. Nice! But next time my husband tells me I have bad handwriting, I'm showing this to him:fisch:
  5. have you heard the version he sand at BBC radio 2 last week?
  6. I saw... Wishing I will stumble on it when I'm listening to it. Not the most convenient hour to listen to radio
  7. http://www.livemusicguide.com/blog/album-reviews/album-review-mika-the-origin-of-love.html Author: Kelly Hardin, Staff Writer Album Rating: 8.5 out of 10.Published: 09/20/2012 Mika has finally released his third album entitled The Origin Of Love following a three-year absence from the music world. After the enormous popularity of his previous two albums, Life In Cartoon Motion and The Boy Who Knew Too Much, Mika has been touring and performing at sold-out shows. His return to music with The Origin Of Love is a revelation of a new sound and talent that he has to offer as well as a revival of his characteristic electro-pop sound. While there are elements of The Origin Of Love that resemble his former work, this new album is far more well-rounded and not quite as playful as his previous two. Most of the songs on the album follow the happy, silly and somewhat repetitive pop formula that Mika makes catchy and interesting every time. However, there are a few songs on the album that take a more serious tone and highlight Mika’s maturation as an artist. “Underwater” is the first song on the album that is a recognizable departure from Mika’s typical sound. The song opens with a simple but beautiful piano melody that is quickly combined with a heavy beat to give the song an epic feel. While the chorus of the song, “With your love I can breathe, I can breath underwater,” is definitely on the cheesy side, there is still a very sweet and soulful element to the melody and the other lyrics that saves the song from being completely trite. As Mika sings “You are the port of my call [...] ‘cause all I need is the love you breathe,” it is difficult not to appreciate the idea that the love of another person can sometimes be the only means of survival in a difficult world. The tenth song on the album, “Popular Song,” is an interesting remix of the song from the Broadway musical “Wicked” and Mika’s own creation. Mika sings, “You’re only ever who you were. Popular, I know about popular; and all you ever have to do is be true to you.” The song is a playful take on the message of tolerance and is about someone who was bullied triumphing over their bullies when their talent is revealed. At the heart of the pop tune and playful lyrics is the idea that inherent value will always be revealed and appreciated in the end. “Heroes” is another standout song on the album due to its simple melody, complicated lyrics and soulful message. Mika sings, “I wish I could make you return, and what if I’ll never learn. As you walk to the toll of the bell, you’ll be fighting for our heaven with hell. And you don’t understand why no one else can see.” “Heroes” is about the difficult life of those fighting for social change and a better world. Mika cleverly amplifies this ballad dedicated to the life of visionaries by using few instruments and no electro-pop to create a pretty and uncomplicated melody. Overall, the album is a great mixture of Mika’s distinctive happy, light electro-pop and his new creations as a more mature artist. While some of the songs are beautiful and soulful, many of the songs include repetitive and incredibly cheesy lyrics. But those songs are still fun to listen to and definitely fun to sing along to. Mika still has a way of transforming lyrics that should be ridiculous and cliche into something fresh and entertaining.
  8. Not sure about CKOI, but Cath Blais heard it yesterday on Rythme FM, so yes they are playing it It's getting higher on top 30 french http://www.ckoi.com/musique-decompte-franco.php (was 28 last week) and they played it at 2;30 this afternoon and at 7;20 this morning http://www.ckoi.com/titres-en-ondes.php I do like Karen, but it,s not completely representative of all the other songs on the album. We'll see what happens
  9. Talking about strange choice of singles, some radio stations in Quebec have started to play Karen Don't know who/why/when it was decided because the sticker on the album doesn't mention it and it's a bonus track... Also, releasing the album with zero promo made the album totally unnoticed by many medias. Albums sales are good in Quebec, but I feel a bit taken for granted and not important And this makes me sad because Mika's work deserves more...
  10. Fair review for a change! Thanks for sharing :-)
  11. Hopefully more than what I have seen here... Helps that he will be in the States when that happens!
  12. No you didn't... IMO the first explanation (about an ex) sounds better...
  13. http://www.lapresse.ca/le-soleil/arts-et-spectacles/disques/201209/20/01-4576080-mika-personnalites-multiples-12.php Mika: personnalités multiples **1/2 Avec The Origin of Love, son troisième album, Mika s'aventure dans plusieurs directions. Recrutant les Benny Benassi et Martin Solveig, qu'il a côtoyés sur le récent MDNA de Madonna, mais aussi le réalisateur australien Nick Littlemore et Greg Wells (Adele), le chanteur britannique apparaît écartelé entre l'univers des pistes de danse et celui d'une pop rétro, moins périssable. Compositions davantage épurées et subtiles, comme l'excellente pièce-titre aux accents disco, et chansons à saveur house se succèdent entre deux flirts avec le reggae et le r'n'b. Mika affiche toujours une remarquable aisance vocale et signe quelques titres ambitieux (Make You Happy), or on a la désagréable impression qu'il se cherche sur le plan stylistique. Les mélodies, quoique non dénuées d'intérêt, n'ont ni l'insouciance, ni l'efficacité de ses refrains qui ont le plus voyagé, hormis l'adaptation de son hit Elle me dit, devenue Emily. À noter qu'une édition avec des titres supplémentaires en français est offerte. Translation: Mika: Multiple personnalities 2.5 With origin of Love, his 3rd album, Mika ventures in many directions Recruiting Benny Benassi and Martin Solveig, with whom he worked on the recent MDNA from Madonna, but also the Australian director Nick Littlemore and Greg Wells (Adele), the British singer seems split btween the dance floors universe and a retro pop, less perishable. Compositions are less layered and subtle, as the excellent title piece with disco accent and house-flavored songs followed by flirts with reggae and r'n'b. Mika, as always, show a remarquable vocal range and have some very ambitious titles (Make You Happy), however, we have the bad feeling that he is searching for his style. Melodies, although far from being uninteresting, have neither the recklessness, nor the effectiveness of some of his better known songs, except for the adaptation of his hit Elle me dit, now Emily. Please note that a special edition with addition French songs is available.
  14. Nice review indeed... I could not agree more on the bolded part
  15. Thanks for taking the time to translate, it was very interesting!
  16. I totally know that about Rajotte... I was watching him burn vinyls he hadn't 25 years ago ;-) I was just really hopeful he would like it because he loves MYH. You're right, it could have been much worse, he could have burried the Cd in cat litter like he did with Van Halen:huglove:
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01n1qzm This link worked for me, the interview is at the end of the show
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