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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. General comments After many listenings, I was finally able to put my thoughts together. In general, it's a very good album, one that I was not expecting Mika to present that early in his career. The more mature subjects are more than welcome. What I especially love is the more frequent use of the lower notes in his voice. It's so soft. (It reminds me the way Jean-Jacques Goldman made Celine Dion sang on D'eux, one of the most powerful French album of all time… And I am far from being a Celine fan). I also love the use of percussion and other instrument. I saw only one small flaw: some songs (popular, heroes) seem a bit random and not in total accordance with the general them of the album. Origin of love Powerful song with super-charged lyrics. Written from the heart, to be listen with the heart. Lola Lovely beat, good to sing along and get a crowd moving. Stardust No one can't resist the beat of the song. A very good song to introduce Mika to anyone who either don't know him or think they don't like his music. In that sense, it would make a good single to attract new fans. Make you happy I felt in love with it the first time I heard it. I love the robotic voice, think it suits the purpose. I see it as a way to play with the voice as an instrument, not a way to disguise lousy vocals. The strings in the latest version are mesmerizing. Underwater Another favorite that I loved at first sight. Very powerful ballad, as with origin, we can feel it comes from the heart. Beautiful piano part. I love the background music in the second part where you can almost hear the sea as if you're actually under water. Overrated Very closed to be my favorite! It's a very angry and desperate song, almost violent. Kids One of the songs where Mika's voice is almost like a whisper. Good use of percussion. Love you when I'm drunk It's a funny/upbeat song Step with me Probably my favorite. This song makes you feel good and wanna dance with your loved one. It's the ultimate happy love song and one I would have never expect Mika to write. Popular Again, funny and I like the interaction with Priscilla Renea, but it's probably the song I like the least. Emily / Elle me dit Love them both. Love the evolution in lyrics in the English version. Heroes Another good surprise. It's beautiful and quite powerful. Good use of the guitar. Celebrate The album with Pharrell is good but the acoustic version with the China Boy verse is better, especially in combination with Joy singing the Pharrell parts French Bonus Songs Karen, L'amour dans le mauvais temps, Soleil mal luné Of the 3, Soleil is my favorite. Great voice/piano combo. A real clash with the album since they are all so sad. I think they reflect of Mika's dual personality. But please, find a new (and better) collaborator. In some French show, they suggested Jean-Jacques Goldman. That would be a match made in heaven! Overall rating: 4.5/5
  2. well take care of that throat!

  3. I'M good, you?


    We rarely talk here, that's why...

  4. Thanks Arianne! She was like: you need to tell all your friends that Mika is on that show and that I found out before you did:wink2: Alexandre Despatie will be there as well
  5. Most probably... It's the season premiere this week:thumb_yello:
  6. My daughter was all pleased to tell me that MIka will be interviewed in a Quebec talk-show this Friday night at 9PM http://tva.canoe.ca/emissions/cafinitbienlasemaine/concept For those trying to watch by internet, it's the same network as Star Académie where he was last March.
  7. Good that you started this because I was looking for a place to post this http://www.archambault.ca/top-musique-anglo-cat40148-fr-ct Mika is #1 english selling album. This is the biggest music store in Quebec.
  8. ouais.. on fait de son mieux.. pas vraiment le choix de faire avec la situation:wink2:
  9. Sounds like something I saw on TV earlier this week
  10. Review of origin of love on Canoe http://fr.canoe.ca/divertissement/musique/critiques/2012/09/21/20219461-qmi.html JOIE PARTAGÉE Mika - Origin Of Love Ce troisième album, Mika le voulait à l’image de son humeur actuelle, écrivant ses textes pour la première fois en s’inspirant de sa propre vie. On le devine alors désireux de partager sa joie (de préférence sur un plancher de danse), mais surtout emporté par l’amour, sur les ailes d’une grande liberté. Ça donne parfois lieu à des excès d’expérimentation électro pas très concluante, mais en somme, Mika reste fidèle à son style vitaminé qui ensoleillera ce début d’automne. Translation: Shared Joy / Mika - Origin of Love This 3rd album, which Mika wanted to fit his actual mood by writing lyrics based on his personal life, for the first time. We guess he wants to share his joy (preferably on a dance floor), but mostly driven by love, and comlete freedom. This gives a few electro-excess not totally conclusive, but in general, Mika stay true to his vitamined style to will brighten our fall.
  11. Bienvue parmi nous! Je suis Catherine, j'habite la région de Montréal mais je suis originaire de la ville de Québec et j'ai des jumeaux de presque 11 ans (et une pré-ado qui m'a fait découvrir Mika) J'imagine que vous étudiez à l'université Laval?
  12. Bien d'accord avec vous,je comprends rien à leur stratégie de promo:sneaky2:
  13. On va avoir vivement Dimanche une semaine en retard... Ca passe le 30 septembre sur TV5
  14. I already posted my comment in itunes... Need more time for here, as I want to put more details
  15. This is my favorite of teh French song... so sad but beautiful melody:wub2:
  16. and of course, besides the album we get nothing:wink2:
  17. Thanks for the upload! Can't say I really like the way they talked about him... That "little prince" is a bit dated to say the least and doesn't go with the theme of the new album
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