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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. c'était bien. Mais pas super mega wow LOL


    cool les vacances, et pas cool pour Mika. On va attendre ensemble alors, chacune dans notre bout du monde!


    En attendant, je vais aller voir le spectacle des participants à un genre de Star academy pour ado la semaine prochaine. Pas sûre que je vais tripper mais ma fille oui. elle a suivi religieusement. si t,es curieuse, va voir là - - > http://mixmania.vrak.tv/accueil

  2. Hey!


    J'ai vu DM une fois il y a 10-15 ans et une autre il y a 3-4 ans. Pas leur dernière tuornée, celle d,avant.


    Je vais bien, congé demain et rien de prévu ce weekend. Un peu de repos va faire du bien.


    Toi, tout baigne? Tu vas voir Mika cet été finalement?

  3. Nice to see you here:wink2: Remember, I have a 11y.o. girl and 9y.o. identical twin boys
  4. Good glad you liked it.


    More coming, just don,t know when :-)


    2 meetings at work today and day off tomorrow.

  5. Mais c'est très bien depeche Mode! Sans être une fan finie, je les ai tout de même vu 2 fois en concert. Mes garçons aiment beaucoup :) C'est bien de se replonger dans nos amours de jeunesse et constater qu'ils ont bien vieilli!


    Les enfants finissent l'année scolaire le 23 juin et reprennent le 1er septembre.

  6. sorry... guess it was somewhat good :-)


    next time I'll send it to you in the night (my time)

  7. One of my boys (Philippe, 9, has a twin brother called Alexandre) used to call Mika, my little Mika (ton petit Mika) until one day, I explain to him that Mika is about the same size as one of my cousin (±6 ft4)
  8. Tu as reçu des nouvelles de Manu ;-)


    Tout va bien de ton côté?

  9. check your email ;-)

  10. I know...


    Don't wish too hard your son to be older, because time flies too fast sometimes. My babies will turn 10 in a few months ;-)

  11. hey you!


    still mad at Mika for deciding to do a show in your backyard ;-)?


    how is life?


    went to see my boys play baseball last night. They lost 1-0, but they both played well.

  12. hopefully we'll catch one another soon.


    Since things at work are always coming by waves, let's say I am getting cauight by a big one, which is a really good opportunity for me, but it means less time to chat..


    Hope you are doing well.

  13. Hey:biggrin2:


    very busy at work (I will be taking a bigger role in a project we,re working on since last fall. good opportunity for me, but less leisure time):boxed:


    How are you?


    If you have time, got some reading fot you:wink2: just let me know:thumb_yello:


    Take care!

  14. gotta go. see you some other time!

  15. post some pics from Boston in the crazy thread ;-)

  16. Oui, c'était long weekend chez nous la semaine passée... Nous avons eu beaucoup de plaisir, malgré la température un peu moche.


    Bon weekend à toi aussi!

  17. post pics in the crazy thread ;-)

  18. this week was the craziest in a long time... I know the highway between my home and Quebec by heart. so boring!

  19. enjoy your time with the boys!


    Going to my hometown (again) this weekend for my nephew's bday

  20. Hello dear!


    Made it back from Boston and business trip. Boston was great despite crapy weather.


    How are you?

  21. sure. gotta go, stupid meeting all morning...

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