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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Can't wait for my 3 weeks of vacation. In August.


    I guess we won,t talk much in the coming weeks ;-)

  2. sounds so cool...


    Tomorrow, I am working from home because Arianne starts her summer skating lessons at 4PM.


    My kids are now officially on vacation until Sept. 1

  3. I know. Première leçon: Je m'appelle Trix et j'habite ... (I am Trix and I live ...) Je m'appelle Catherine et j'habite Montréal
  4. it's seems we don,t have much to chat about... strangely LOL

  5. Not a direct translation but J'ai besoin d'un professeur (which would translate to I need a teacher) And yes, it's a thread to learn French, that's why there is only French:wink2:
  6. T'es gentille, je cherchais une place pour faire pratiquer le français à certaines memebres alors avant de créer un nouveau post, j'ai regardé s'il en existait pas un déjà Merci de nous accueillir chez toi!
  7. Just because I had no clue who it was when I got the message you were following me LOL


    Life's good?

  8. you could have picked an easier twitter name to remember...

  9. Following back :-)

  10. really? you decided to take the plunge? LOL

  11. mostly OK... I think I slept too much over the weekend. Feels old and tired... You?

  12. ca doit expliquer pourquoi j'ai acheté des patins artistiques ce matin pour ma fille:mf_rosetinted:
  13. Vous pouvez tous joindre la classe. Mais le professeur n'est pas très présent. Ses enfants lui volent l'ordinateur:wink2:
  14. tu dois parler uniquement français ici:thumb_yello:
  15. Some people wanted to find a place to learn French... Je me propose comme professeur de français, plus praticulièrement celui du Québec. C,est notre fête nationale demain, et il pleut des cordes:mf_rosetinted:
  16. Love him too He was in Montreal a few weeks ago, but I couldn't go see him. Bought his latest CD:biggrin2: Love it.
  17. why blushed? I'm totally jealous you are going to meet and I will be stuck at home ;-)


    I'm sure you'll have a blast!

  18. how do you think I learned?

  19. you need to have a better view of yourself girl, you are NOT bad...

  20. you know what we should do? write something together!

  21. Love those cartoon trousers... I had similar ones when I was 14... with heinz ketchup bottles ;-)

  22. hey!


    Just sent you a surprise by email...

  23. Geez Thanks:blush-anim-cl:


    Maybe it helps that I write a lot in English for my job... and my thoughts are more flowing in English. Even if French is my primary language.


    Need new ideas to conclude:wink2:

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