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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Saw this morning he's doing a show in Montreal, but I probably can,t go:aah:
  2. quand je pars à parler musique, je en suis pas arrêtable. Bonne nuit, mon lit m,appelle.

  3. j'y suis allée souvent quand j'habitais Québec, mais c fait qeulques années que je n'y ai pas mis les pieds (au festival). J'ai vu un concert de Jean-Jacques Goldman (en 85 ou 86 je crois) à ce festival qui était génial, même sous la pluie torrentielle.

  4. petit vidéo qui donne un aperçu de l'ampleur du festival


  5. ouin, j'essaie de ne pas trop prter attention à ces concerts estivaux, des fois que je serasi tentée d,achter un billet d'avion. je comprends encore plus ta déception que tu seras pas si loin... ah les maris!


    Pour Elton, j'ai encore le temps d'y penser. On a pas besoin d'achter des billets juste un laisser-passer pour le festival (qui est bon pour toute sa durée). Mais ca sera en plein air avec probablement plus de 100 000 personnes alors je sais pas trop.

  6. it was actually my first time. They came several times to Montreal before but I was either too young to go (grew up in Quebec City) or too busy with young kids LOL.


    They are suppose to come back in the fall for another US/Canada tour, but probably bigger venues. They will play O2 Arena in London in a few weeks.


    Hope they go near you and you could go with your daughter. There was a father with his daughter at the show tuesday.

  7. ca va bien... pas encore remise, suis toujours sur mon nuage... JT est comme les bons vins, il s'améliore avec l'age.. What a killer smile :-)


    Ca devrait me permettre de tenir quelques mois...



    sinon rien de neuf... toi?


    not by me, but from the Duran show on Tuesday.


    it was just amazing:wub2:

  9. un peu, mais il n'aime pas du tout ses chansons:shocked: INterdit de mettre du Mika s'il est dans la voiture:blink:
  10. These old folks Rian and I were talking about are going to be in Copenhagen on June 14, if you want to check them out:wink2:

  11. en un mot, c'était GÉNIAL. Ils ont beau avoir + de 50 ans, ils assument encore très bien:biggrin2: Simon n'a rien perdu de sa voix et JT est toujours aussi beau:wub2: si vous avez la chance, allez voir. EN plus, c'était dans une toute petite salle (700 places) alors je les ai vus de très près Et leur nouveau disque est génial, du bon vieux DD! http://www.duranduranmusic.com vidéo du spectacle... la sono a laché :-( [YOUTUBE]ds0t5oKU9MY&feature=youtu.be[/YOUTUBE]
  12. they are supposed to come back this fall with a bigger show. Promise my kids I would bring them if they come to a seated venue. They would have been squashed last night.


    I know I will get to see M one day, he,s lucky I can be patient for those things. Took me 25 years to see DD ;-)

  13. Lucky me? yeah, but you're the one who's going to see Mika this summer not me :-(


    Will probably get a chance to see Duran Duran again before I see the other one ;-)

  14. yes, the headache disappeared before... probably while I was waiting in line. met some interesting people so time flew by.


    I so need to work, but I don,t feel like it

  15. In one world? Fabulous...


    Was about 4th row. It was hot, electrifying... It was very intimate and John Taylor is looking even better than when he was younger ;-) they sang a lot of old songs, including my favorite: the chauffeur.


    And I can confirm I am now definetly a screamer!


    Like I told Rosa on Tiwtter, if I ever get to see Mika live from so close, I will die a happy woman :-)


    How are you?

  16. yes, tonight as in tuesday.


    I intend to fangurl for all the years it took me to finally see them live.


    The best thing is they,re not playing a big stadium, they are doing a 700-place theater. But not assigned seats.


    Gaga was in Montreal last night... Most of the major tours come here.

  17. new? not much


    good news: I am seeing Duran Duran tonight...

    bad news: I have the biggest headache this morning :-(


    Your son has too many friends :-)


    Funny story: met a woman at the grocery last night. Looked at the boys, looked at me, aske me if they were twins and when I said yes, she replied: I am not out of the woods yet... She has 2-yr old twin boys! And my boys were rather quiet when we met her...

  18. moring :-) what's up?

  19. il y avait aussi Lady gaga hier soir, mais elle ne m'intéresse pas. On a aussi annoncé la venue d'elton John au festival d'été de Québec, je crois bien que je vais aller y faire un tour, c'est le 9 juillet. En me préparant ce matin, je me suis dit que ce serait bien que ca ne prenne pas 25 ans avant que je vois Mika en concert, comme c,est la cas pour Duran Duran:wink2:
  20. oh no! one other thing we have in common headache. not good. Hope it goes away fast...

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