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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. you got mail

  2. OK, You should et something in 45 minutes, I'm leaving for dinner after!

  3. It's OK. I'm sending you part 2 since the beginning...

  4. It's OK, I'm sending the compolete file everytine. You did read the beginning of Manu part 2?

  5. can't remember, what was the last part you read?

  6. decided to write a bit (non-work related) want some reading?

  7. beware, it's a very mushy (sentimental) part...

  8. because I've had a long day, I decided to treat myself and write a bit. You should check your email in a few hours...

  9. kinda, but I'm afraid if I lay down, I might not wake up again until next morning... I don,t want to miss dinner!

  10. Unfortunately, they're in a notebook on my desk at work... I feel bad knowing I don,t have time to type them.


    One is very short, promise I'm going to send it when I get back. It's called "the follower"

  11. I said I should, not too sure I will. It's only 4PM and I've been up for 12 hours

  12. I should work more...

  13. unfortunately not yet... wrote some stuff but not typed it yet.


    And I have 2 stories that you've never seen.


    I need more hours in a day!

  14. hey


    juste emailed you!

  15. Presentation is almost finished :-)

  16. If I had to play golf, I would have fallen asleep during dinner tonight.


    My boss tried to blurb me into playing, told me it was one of the hardest course in Canada. Like I am going to try it :P

  17. I understand your point of view but in this case, I don't care.


    I prefer not to have to talk to anyone and work while watching tennis and talking on MFC!

  18. yes because it was my decision not to go. I hate golfing...

  19. I'm good. Flight was uneventful and on time.


    Tired, but I have to do some preparation for my presentation tomorrow. Others went golfing, I hate golf so I work and will join then later for dinner.

  20. how are you today?

  21. Try not to miss me too much... LOL

  22. Of course... everything would be so much organised if run by a mom!

  23. For two days once every 6-8 months, he's OK. He wouldn't if I had to do it every week.


    And I also choose days where the kids have no activities :-)

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