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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. My kids have a father that can easily manage them for two days. I just need to make sure I plan the food while I'm gone...

  2. emailed you about you know what...

  3. It's Quebec's national day next Friday and Rufus and his sister will sing in French at the show. I'll try to look for videos of his performance:wink2:
  4. Depends how later it is. I have to be at the kids' school in an hour. End-of-class party, even if they have class until next thursday

  5. I escaped!


    I have 3 days off. Hopefully, we'll be able to chat this weekend :-)


    Need to buy new skates for Arianne this weekend.

  6. If Mika can do about 1/1000 of what this guy do in the Totem show, I'm dead:naughty:
  7. Thanks for your patience ;-)


    Lunchbreak's over, back to my screaming babies (I was in a conference call this morning and that's how I refer to a colleague about our very long lists of projects to do. We work first on those who scream the most) OK, I think I'm losing my mind :-)

  8. It's OK, was only trying to understand... Too many changes happening at the same time, maybe?


    I have confidence in him, that's all! (And might be slightly dillusional from working too much LOL)


    I need to go back soon, unfortunately

  9. He will never be like any other popstars:wink2::mf_rosetinted:

  10. red hair is that disturbing to you? LOL

  11. Hey! As you can see, the only time I have to come here is when you sleep :-(


    I need to clone myself, any idea how to?


    PS: I gave Rosa a few pointers for her story, can't wait to see my direction she will take!

  12. Hey fellow writer! how's life?


    My days are pretty busy ;-) Still managed to write a few pages!

  13. I only stress when I look at the list of things to do. So I keep my eyes off it as much as I can. the good thing is usually as soon as I am off the door, I leave work there ;-)


    Gotta go, team meeting (where I have to say all the things that I have to do LOL)

  14. What's up?


    How was your family oriented weekend?

  15. what's that smiley on Ilse profile?


    Did you have a nice weekend. I did. Now back to hell for 4 days. Taking one hour at a time. Don't worry, I'll scream for help if I can,t do it... boss is aware ;-)

  16. I tend to reply to my own profile when I want to do things too quickly:mf_rosetinted:


    Glad you had a nice weekend. I did too.


    received you email. will reply. I have a few ideas:wink2:

  17. So did you have a nice birthday?

  18. In case we don,t speak, this is my proper Happy birthday Rosa message!


    Hope you have fun and get overload with love and gifts ;-)

  19. received your email 10 minutes before leaving work. quickly scan. will read again in the morning.



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