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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. I need a break, send it now woman! (the usual chamel email please :-))

  2. I can imagine...especially when it,s 32 here ;-)


    When can I expect anything new???

  3. how's the weather in Santo Domingo???

  4. yes need to come on Twitter... we could talk other than on Sunday afternoons (my time) :-)))

  5. of course:wink2:

  6. Something I don,t...


    Was the annual meeting at the skating club last night. Guess who volunteer to help?

  7. How do you always come up with these cool smileys?


    It's hot and humid here... Everything is OK. Hope it is on your side too.


    Catch you later!

  8. yep and to top the day the boys didn,t respect the time they were supposed to go back from playing baseball in the park...:badmood:


    it's OK now, but it,s over for them.. they need to get my trust again:sneaky2:


    Hope your day will be easier tomorrow.


    I'm off to spend money at cosco (big warehouse with lots of stuff to buy)

  9. yes finally... how was your day?

  10. I've heard of it... So were your kids eager to have gifts at Sinterklaas?
  11. thought you were gone...

  12. Just missed you... :(

  13. wish I could say that:wink2: Everything will be worth the wait:biggrin2: Isn't it what we tell kids before xmas?
  14. Thanks for your sweet post!


    Next on my list is Wouter Hamel ;-) DoN,t know when...


    Take care!

  15. Don't want to put too much pressure on the man:roftl:
  16. merci! sur ce je file au lit. Je suis crevée.

    Bon weekend et à très bientôt ma chère.

  17. Mika, take your time honey, we want you to do your best. But please, hurry up:wink2: we're experiencing srtange withdrawal symptoms:shocked:
  18. c'était bien. Mais pas super mega wow LOL


    cool les vacances, et pas cool pour Mika. On va attendre ensemble alors, chacune dans notre bout du monde!


    En attendant, je vais aller voir le spectacle des participants à un genre de Star academy pour ado la semaine prochaine. Pas sûre que je vais tripper mais ma fille oui. elle a suivi religieusement. si t,es curieuse, va voir là - - > http://mixmania.vrak.tv/accueil

  19. Hey!


    J'ai vu DM une fois il y a 10-15 ans et une autre il y a 3-4 ans. Pas leur dernière tuornée, celle d,avant.


    Je vais bien, congé demain et rien de prévu ce weekend. Un peu de repos va faire du bien.


    Toi, tout baigne? Tu vas voir Mika cet été finalement?

  20. Nice to see you here:wink2: Remember, I have a 11y.o. girl and 9y.o. identical twin boys
  21. Good glad you liked it.


    More coming, just don,t know when :-)


    2 meetings at work today and day off tomorrow.

  22. Mais c'est très bien depeche Mode! Sans être une fan finie, je les ai tout de même vu 2 fois en concert. Mes garçons aiment beaucoup :) C'est bien de se replonger dans nos amours de jeunesse et constater qu'ils ont bien vieilli!


    Les enfants finissent l'année scolaire le 23 juin et reprennent le 1er septembre.

  23. sorry... guess it was somewhat good :-)


    next time I'll send it to you in the night (my time)

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