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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Yes they are :-)


    Good night in case you're not here later... Talk to you soon!

  2. yes. I have nowhere to go and nothing to do. Except keep the boys on a tight leash. they always have crazy ideas :-)

  3. boys had swimming class at 9 then baseball at 10.30. came back for lunch, dropped boys at friend,s house, girl at swimming class at 3 then quick stop at library before getting to get the boys...


    Was able to chat quite a bit with a mom I usually see at skating so it was OK.

  4. It's a live one, and there's a DVD with it... so I like it.


    I'm OK, been running around all day. Hubby is gone to his (almost)25-year high school reunion until tomorrow. need to start cooking dinner soon.

  5. Thought about you when I was at the sity library.. borrowed a Milow CD :-)


    How are you?

  6. oublie pas ta crème solaire et ton matneau d'hiver:roftl: des fois que l'attente serait longue:mf_rosetinted:
  7. rain again...


    Glad to know you,re OK!

  8. OK, but I won,t hold my breath until that happens, will die of suffocation before ;-)

  9. pasta is always a winner, easy and tasteful.


    I'm good. Got caught up in a lenghty discussion with colleagues. For a change, I have almost interesting things to work on.


    still on my Duran cloud :-)

  10. Hello you!


    How are you?

  11. Hey you!


    WHat's up?


    Here it's another grey morning under the rain.

  12. chanceuse... ma seule chance réside à gagner à la loterie, de cette façon, j'aurais un budget pour Mika:mf_rosetinted:
  13. Wow I had to dig hard to find that one... Couldn't believe there wasn,t a Duran thread on this forum:naughty: So, I am a Duranie since I was about 13-14. Strangely, I only saw them once in concert, which was last week. Such a great show. My favorite has always been John Taylor, still is (that killer smile:mf_rosetinted:) what a man:wink2:. But Simon is still one heck of a singer:thumb_yello: I know there heading to Europe, you should consider going. Oh, new album is absolutely FANTASTIC:wub2:
  14. hope you are having good times with family.


    I put your bulbs in the ground today, let's see if they grow ;-)

  15. you're so right, time flies. You realized that sometimes, like when your eldest child turns 10...


    or you realized the man of your dreams when you were a teenager is now more than 50 :-)


    Have a great weekend. Any special celebration for the boy?

  16. sorry, i think I missed your tweet... my mom's computer didn,t really like twitter.


    He does indeed 2 shows: one in Quebec City and one in Montreal :-). He,s going to the same venue I went to see Duran Duran this week...

  17. hey you!


    Thought about you this morning. Saw an ad that Milow is coming to Montreal on May 27... probably won,t go... skating that night.

  18. yes I read it. It's really sad, for him first, and for all the fans who won,t be able to see him live, he,s such a fantastic guitar player... Let's hope for the best:thumb_yello:
  19. Saw this morning he's doing a show in Montreal, but I probably can,t go:aah:
  20. quand je pars à parler musique, je en suis pas arrêtable. Bonne nuit, mon lit m,appelle.

  21. j'y suis allée souvent quand j'habitais Québec, mais c fait qeulques années que je n'y ai pas mis les pieds (au festival). J'ai vu un concert de Jean-Jacques Goldman (en 85 ou 86 je crois) à ce festival qui était génial, même sous la pluie torrentielle.

  22. petit vidéo qui donne un aperçu de l'ampleur du festival


  23. ouin, j'essaie de ne pas trop prter attention à ces concerts estivaux, des fois que je serasi tentée d,achter un billet d'avion. je comprends encore plus ta déception que tu seras pas si loin... ah les maris!


    Pour Elton, j'ai encore le temps d'y penser. On a pas besoin d'achter des billets juste un laisser-passer pour le festival (qui est bon pour toute sa durée). Mais ca sera en plein air avec probablement plus de 100 000 personnes alors je sais pas trop.

  24. it was actually my first time. They came several times to Montreal before but I was either too young to go (grew up in Quebec City) or too busy with young kids LOL.


    They are suppose to come back in the fall for another US/Canada tour, but probably bigger venues. They will play O2 Arena in London in a few weeks.


    Hope they go near you and you could go with your daughter. There was a father with his daughter at the show tuesday.

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