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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. hey!


    stealing my mom's computer while she prepares dinner with the boys.


    How's life?


    I see that you liked the new Mika pic as much as I did...

  2. going to say bye here. twitter is weird on mom's computer. Going to see my grandma with mom and kids... see you later. Have a great Easter holiday!

  3. Félicitations! Profite du beau temps, ici ca fait un bout qu'on ne l'a pas vu... on gèle et il pleut (encore)
  4. sorry to hear that. Hope your are doing wonderful dreams at this time ;-)

  5. gotta go! talk to you soon :-)

  6. il y en a de moins bonnes, mais on n,en parlera pas!

  7. juste un peu ;-)

  8. Thanks, the sun finally found its way to our lovely city. stil not warm, but warmer :-)


    Have a nice day!

  9. tu m'as fait rire avec ton truc sur les comptes bancaires... sur le mur de Rosa ;-)

  10. Totalement raison! Et ca vient de chez nous :-)

  11. I wouldn't be a teacher for all the vacations in the world! I would got crazy with 25 10-year old around me all day... No patience for that.

  12. alors, t'a aimé ca, le cirque du soleil?

  13. kids will be out of school for 8 weeks this summer, that's penty of vacation time!


    Hope you'll find plenty of idea to have that vacations feeling and not spend too much money!

  14. good morning...


    I made it home safe. still freezing, at least no snow. Busy week ahead, but we work only 4 days this week and 4 days next week, with a 4-day weekend in between. Not bad!


    What's up?

  15. when I went to the concert in feb, we were not far from the stage but on the side and we had a nice view. They move around a lot on the stage. I am a die-hard fan, was ever since I was 15-16 (back in 1986). Yes I am old enough to have seen with my own eyes when they raised to stardom:thumb_yello:
  16. I think my favorite is Runaway, probably followed by a few dozen more:teehee: like I want to make a memory and Thank you for loving me:wub2:
  17. I'M in my hometown... and we had SNOW last night. Everything is covered in white. So nice :-(


    Please send me some sunshine ;-)

  18. you're so right... Have a nice weekend.

  19. She's 11. her birthday is easy to remember Jan 1 2000!


    Not sure if we'll "see" each other this weekend. Have to go to Quebec for my nephew's b-day tomoroow. We're coming back on Sunday, but don't know when...

  20. That I totally agree. Guess who went shopping with 3 kids last night?


    I'm pretty sure if my hubby would have ask the same question, 3 kids would have stayed home :-(


    I swear, there are days I think I am going to self-explode if I hear MOM! another time.


    Is your son still up or he's already in bed?

  21. why specifically a woman?


    but yes it is...

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