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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. I just reach the point where I have no energy left to do any work... too bad I still have 75 minutes to go.


    what's up?

  2. IMG_7117.jpg


    try to guess which one is mine!


    heads up: she's small:naughty: and not in the background

  3. j'ai vu totem mais pas varekai. J'ai adoré Totem alors tu devrais aimer

  4. Ca va très bien, merci.


    Le spectacle était vraiment magique, j'ai hâte d'avoir le DVD pour en montrer des passages!


    Et toi ca va?


    Pour les GIF, tu dois demander à Rian, c'est elle qui m,a fait ce cadeau ;-)

  5. I tasted a cake made with tomato soup and it was good. so I assumed switching soup with ketchup would taste about the same:teehee:
  6. I'll try again tomorrow... I have a DVD but not sure I will be able to put it on youtube... Thanks for asking:wink2:
  7. we had to do one at work for an employee meeting. On Jason Mraz I'm yours... I was featured in it:naughty:
  8. you're not a bad mom, you have different interests:teehee:


    see you soon!

  9. good for you.


    are you nervous when they play? I am a bit when my sons play hockey.


    the worst is watching anyone (not only my girl) skate. It's so hard to watch someone struggle and not being able to do a thing about it.


    Can't wait to show you my girl skate :-)

  10. or me not working at a decent hour for you!

  11. Bosses are gone to Vegas for a convention :-) projects are going well. No skating this week. although I have a meeting tonight.


    Hopefully we'll be able to chat longer before the end of the year ;-)

  12. Hello!


    I don,t dare to say we,re here at the same time. I'm sure you're about to leave:roftl:


    How's life?

  13. Wow!


    Should provide comfort i needed times:wink2:


    I'm a bit dyslexic when typing.


    So how's life on your side of the pound?


    Here it seems spring has started.

  14. à l'heure où tu as écrit, j'étais déjà dans mon lit:teehee:


    J'imagine que c,est là que tu dois être en ce moment:roftl:

  15. can I get shortless AND moving Mika? PLease ;-)

  16. I should find something to do ;-)

  17. busy, but good. Daughter's skating shows went well. I actually have a whole week with no running around.

  18. Did you have a nice weekend?

  19. don,t get me wrong, I really appreciated it:biggrin2:

  20. you want me dead or what?:hypo::drool:


    great way to end the weekend. show was perfect today:biggrin2:

  21. Happy Friday!

  22. glad you had a great time with your mom.


    Mine is coming tomorrow for the weekend (to watch the show). Should be fun!

  23. never underestimate a kid ;-)


    I'm doing fine!

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