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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. you want me dead or what?:hypo::drool:


    great way to end the weekend. show was perfect today:biggrin2:

  2. Happy Friday!

  3. glad you had a great time with your mom.


    Mine is coming tomorrow for the weekend (to watch the show). Should be fun!

  4. never underestimate a kid ;-)


    I'm doing fine!

  5. hope you don,t mind if I answer the question you left on Rian's wall:blush-anim-cl:


    Yes, I think babies under a year old think. Babies understand a lot more than what people think they understand:wink2:


    by the way HI! how are you?

  6. Hello :)


    My skating marathon begins tonight... I must admit the show will be awesome. The girls (and 4 boys) really worked hard.


    Less busy day for you?

  7. :aah:


    we had sun, but it's freezing:sneaky2:


    Sleep tight!

  8. my girl was doing a paper on red cross for school and she ask me what was a refugee? When I told her it was someone who has to leave his/her country because of war, her immediate answer was: like Mika and Valerie's mom? (who's also lebanese:wink2:)
  9. Happy Birthday!

  10. yes, I like it when I can spend time with just one kid.


    Sun is out but still cold. I was wearing my winter coat and boots this morning.


    So far good day at job, got into a cleaning spree and cleaned some files that were lingering on my desk...

  11. Hey! Hope you're doing fine.

  12. hope you're doing well!


    We have a beautiful sun out this morning. And it's Arianne and I only free night tonight :-)

  13. I'M sure you'll have a blast. Their February concert here was THE BEST I've seen from them. THey're better now than they were in the 80s that's for sure:biggrin2:
  14. I love their new CD!


    It's in a very small venue, should be pretty damn good ;-)


    ANd if you want to see a very sexy 50 year-old man, check out John Taylor. He's still quite hot!

  15. me too, not much happening :-(


    I'M going to see Duran Duran in concert for the first time in my life in 3 weeks. THat's exciting though!

  16. but if you would have been born here, you would be use to our freezing temperature LOL


    besides that, how's life?

  17. Just to LA or to anywhere on the planet?


    or you're just saying you wouldn't live in my beautiful country?


    I don,t want to be too far away from family and friends. (I'M that weird LOL)

  18. yes but I wouldn't live anywhere else... (not that hubby didn,t try LOL) Last time, he was talking about LA, and while I could have seen some advantages, I didn,t want to go...

  19. Was almost expecting that as an answer:wink2:


    Don't feel bad, I do have to work sometimes :roftl:

  20. hey we're here at the same time!

  21. Good morning, still grey and rainy here...

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