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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. I know...


    Day 1 of volunteering is done ;-)

  2. you still here? have some free time before going to the ice rink!

  3. it's OK. I'm stuck inside anyway...


    It's sunny inside my head ;-)

  4. hey


    I follow your advice. I took it very slowly at work today... My favorite colleague was back from a 4 month vacation. I don't know how he could come back after all that time!


    Going to sell ticket for the skatinf show tonight ;-)


    How was your day?

  5. No more snow in my crazy city. Just fog and rain...

  6. Hockey season ends with a victory!!! They won 2 tournaments and were playoff champions. I guess we could call it a good season:biggrin2:
  7. kinda:wink2: they're too young for that:thumb_yello:
  8. Clear sign spring is coming: hockey season ends today:biggrin2:
  9. :wink2:Thanks for your Gif(t)s


    Was a good say overall: DD tickets, bought great ticket for Arianne skating show and went to a CD launch from a friend...


    Talk to you soon!

  10. Tought you would like to know tha I got my ticket for the Duran Duran show...


    Brighten my day. Today is the one-year anniversary of my dad's death. I miss him, but he's much better where he is.


    Have a good weekend if we don,t speak.

  11. merci toi aussi!

  12. de mon côté, j'entre presque en hibernation dans la prochaine semaine. Dernier blitz pour la revue annuelle de patin, fillette patine, maman fait du bénévolat:wink2:
  13. hard but so beautiful:thumb_yello:

  14. Definitely morning for me. I think I need coffee to boost me.


    Not a very cheerful day today for me. one-year anniversary of my dad's death...

  15. merci t'es gentille!

  16. c'est à ton tour d'avoir une réunion!



    Attention! Alerte! à lie seulement si tu peux renifler en toute tranquillité

    Je te partage ceci

    Mon père adorait ces chanson et on les a joué à son service.


    Ca fait déjà un an aujourd'hui qu'il est parti.

  17. don't need him for that, I am the garbage lady... It's physical... bad smells make him vomit. He tried, but it more efficient if I do it. I handled the diapers alone as well!

  18. trying hard to focus on work... will come back later


    Thanks for the laugh!

  19. Of course, I would take Mika over anything else... but I am glad I have MFC to lighten my days

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