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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Of course, I would take Mika over anything else... but I am glad I have MFC to lighten my days

  2. aren,t you glad we can have this meaningful; conversation today:roftl:

  3. Thinking about it, I did my share for humanity, you can have to mini-M for yourself!

  4. any... if you stay still, even standing, you'll get crampy:naughty:


    sorry, I feel wicked this morning:wink2: I would rather write stuff about mini-Mikas than financial statements:thumb_yello:

  5. Be careful, you might get cramps:roftl:

  6. Good morning!


    How are you?

  7. ca va bien. OUi, le printemps arrive tranquillement, les merles sont revenus, ce qui est un signe évident que le printemps est à nos portes. Mais c,est encore frisquet.

  8. Bon matin ma chère!

  9. his best excuse is that he can,t remember all the little details ;-)


    men... why do we need them for? besides entertain us once in a while:naughty:

  10. I know, the only reason I wouldn,t go is either I can,t get ticket or hubby has something for work.


    Thanks for the cheer up ;-)

  11. the worst is when they ask me MOM, when is DAD going to pick us up tomorrow when DAD is sitting a few feet from them...

  12. work is not bad, I have plenty of things to do. It's my kids who are driving me crazy. Not to hear MOM!...


    have another dilemma. Duran Duran is coming to my town. I think I deserve to go, but it's not a seated venue and I suddenly feel old... I'm strange, you don,t have to tell me!

  13. that's the purpose. Not hearing Mom! for just 24 hours would be so great :-)

  14. always depends on the perspective ;-)

  15. damn soccer practices!


    I'm planning on running away to a deserted island. Care to join me?

  16. not boring, relaxing!

  17. I'm OK. Wish I could run to a deserted isalnd for a few days.



  18. July 16 is the show in Portugal? Let's disappear after LOL We'll bring the boy with us ;-)

  19. then I fly somewhere near you and we can take a train or boat from there... what do you say ;-)?

  20. I'm OK, I'M in a phase where I could just take a plane and disappear for a few days. Me and a beach, alone... Wanna join me?


    Sorry you feel bad, can I do anything to help. I'M at work if you need to vent...

  21. how are you today?

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