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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. I would die to hear him sings this... [YOUTUBE]MOA4Jz7StqQ&feature=related[/YOUTUBE]
  2. missed you all day.. too bad :-(

  3. merci! t'es gentille :huglove:

  4. pas pire... j'ai comme une écoeurantite de tout aujourd'hui! one of those days


  5. Comment ca va ma chère?

  6. I was trying to do some update on one of my company website and it wouldn't let me...

  7. good for you!


    I'm getting seriously angry at our stupid website content management engine who refuses to do what I want :-(


    Besides that, I'm good.

  8. Hello!


    How are you? I'm working from home today. No b-day parties today?

  9. That's not true. I swear ;-)

  10. you should keep going. you're a good writer!

  11. Good. I'm OK. Wish I would have more time to live in my head rather than in normal life but that's OK. One day I have more time ;-)


    want to read your column again this morning. Read it quickly Friday

  12. Hello dear!


    How are you today?

  13. and why would he give it to you? you're not a man:shocked:
  14. yes, there is possibly an English version... you probably know more about Celine than me ;-)


    I also like to put the music LOUD. Just bought the latest Duran Duran CD, it's VERY good

  15. freaking timezones :-)


    Do you know that song?


    I normally HATE Celine Dion but this one is one of the best love songs.

  16. Everything is cooking :-)

  17. in case you are no longer here when I get back, good night and talk to you soon

  18. My day is OK.


    Arianne had a 2.5 hour practice this morning then I came home, watch some TV and I'm taking a break from food preparation for the coming week.


    Although spring is supposed to be here, we are still FREEZING :-(

  19. Hey!


    How are you today?

  20. Loved your decorations !:huglove:

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