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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. moi aussi, même si c,est plutôt calme ces derniers jours...

  2. Pas de problème à partager ma recette... surtout qu'elle n,est aps de moi! Je l'ai trouvé dans la section cuisine d'un journal financier il y a très longtemps...


    Oui, ca va. Plutôt tranquille au travail et aucune activité ce soir... ca fait un bout que c,est pas arrivé.


    Toi, ca va?

  3. I keep on writing then...


    still thinking about yours, no brilliant ideas so far :-(

  4. I guess you liked it?:pinkbow:

  5. I have a Sephora in the shopping centre near home. I should go check.
  6. sure I will... you should receive an email in a few minutes. Let's talk tomorrow

  7. I need to write a little bit more then you could have it...

  8. very slowly... but it's good. One hour until I can leave work.

  9. yes I do,,, but I can,t go on MSN. email or PM

  10. maybe it,s because he simply CAN'T remember... Must be hard to remember by heart all the songs you ever write without being able to rely on sheet music:blink: I might be wrong...
  11. You know, if it can help you, look at any pics from Jon Bon Jovi 20 years back and look at him now... He is still amazingly HOT. I'm sure Mika will be as good ;-)

  12. of course I know who he is... even though I am a bit old to have fangurl about NKOTB

  13. we'll be there from May 21 to 24.


    It'll be my 3rd time there, first two, was so long ago we didn,t have any kids yet


    Which singer is living in Boston?

  14. j'ai passé mon weekend dans les arénas. Un de mes garçons a gagné le championnat de fin de saison avec son équipe de hockey. Ca combiné avec les pratiques pour le spectacle de ma fille ;-)


    le boulot, ca vient par vague... soit je buche soit j'ai pas grand chose à faire...


    Je te laisse mon lit m'appelle.


    à +

  15. Have a good day!

  16. Salut toi! ca va?


    Sais-tu ce qu'on a poour fêter le printemps? de la neige ;-)

  17. Men's flu is the worst... Get plenty of rest...


    I'm good, quite busy. Just booked a 4-day getaway to Boston, with hubby, kids and my mom. Should be fun.

  18. sorry to hear you're sick... you've worked too hard!


    Take care of you and talk to you soon.

  19. I know, you're not the first one I do that to...


    See you soon!

  20. outdoor swiming pools are usually not in use here before the end of june, unless you have a heater. mine still have ice on it and is surrounded by snow.

  21. good for you!


    We're supposed to get 6-8 cm of snow today, to celebrate spring ;) but we had sun all weekend.

  22. barely starting...


    I'm OK, weekend been busy. I've watched 3 hockey games and 2.5 hours of skating show practice... Phil's team won the playoff championship



  23. Hello stranger ;-)

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