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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. si c'était juste de la neige... ca serait moins pire:aah:
  2. tu sais quoi? Il neige encore! On devrait avoir 10 cm puis ca va devenir de la pluie... dégueulasse:sneaky2:
  3. oui, les vacances scolaires étaienbt la semaine passé. ILs vont à l'école en français, mais le système québécois est plus près du système américain que français...


    contente que tu es aimé le chessecake!


    Et surveille ta boite de courriel, tu devrais avoir de la lecture fraîche bientôt!

  4. heureuse d'avoir de tes nouvelles, mêmes brèves!


    Pour Rebecca, j'ai avancé quand même pas mal, alors il y aura une suite bientôt. Tu retournes quand au travail?


    Sinon, ca va, j'ai fini par passé à travers de mon rhume et c'est plus tranquille au travail.

  5. tu peux lui dire que je fais d,excellents muffins ;-)

  6. I will soon have two chapters ready... But they are so sad, I am not sure I should send them to you. What do you think?

  7. seems you will be OK...


    boring work. Just learned from my sister-in-law that my husband's mom broke her arm and needs to be operated :-(

  8. *sends vibes that Ilse won't miss her connection*:wink2:


    I'm bored:boxed:

  9. sending you a virtual umbrella

  10. sounds horrible.. I thought you were home already :-(

  11. how was your day?

  12. Will do that then... until I find a new twist for Becky :-)

  13. I might let it rest a bit and translate the other one...


    How are you this morning?

  14. Good! Need to find some ideas now!

  15. Good for you!


    Pense aussi aux copines ;-)

  16. How could I have forgotten this one?
  17. brings back so many memories... yes, that was one hell of a good album:thumb_yello:
  18. you're such a busy bee:naughty::wink2:

  19. sent


    going home! I'll log on later, but you will probably be asleep... Keep in touch, OK?

  20. I'll send you what I have so far, it ends kind of in a middle of something, but there where I am right now...


    Let me know what you think!

  21. do you want some reading?

  22. J'espère que tu as bien profité de ton congé!

  23. it,s my lunch break I still have time if you want to do it now ;-) you got me curious!

  24. unfortunately, I am still at work for quite a while... and I can't use MSN at work.We could use email?

  25. no, was just thinking it's been a while since we talked. Life's good on your side?

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