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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. don't laugh at me... but yes, I do that sometimes.


    sleep tight, talk to you soon!

  2. I know, I have somehow the same dilemma.


    Anyhow, looking forward to read your stuff!

  3. I know, I have somehow the same dilemma.


    Anyhow, looking forward to read your stuff!

  4. I don't know I still haven't put what I sent you girls... you?

  5. that's bad... and it happened to me before ;-)


    I have some ideas for Becky... but I have like 5 lines written

  6. it's really good!!!


    how,s your writing going?

  7. fine, I have a day off!!!


    didn,t see rox phone calls, she,s really good for these things!

  8. au moins là, ils s'occuppent en pratiquant des tours de magies. Les 3 ensemble sans se chicaner, ce qui est un exploit qui ne devrait pas trop durer

  9. c'est pour ca que je suis un peu embêtée.. je sens que les enfnts ont besoin de bouger un peu mais ca me tente pas de me geler le cul dehors ;-)

  10. ca va. je suis en congé avec les enfants jusqu'à lundi... demain on va aller au cinéma, mais aujourd'hui, je en sais pas trop quoi faire... personnellement, je resterais à la maison mais les enfants ont le goût de bouger :-)

  11. hope we'll be able to chat soon. I'm home for the next 4 days (not working!)

  12. there are other projects I want to work on, that's why I want to get it done...

  13. check your email... I still have close to 50 pages to translate...

  14. I will write about her more, have a few ideas already... In the meantime, will translate Manu for you ;-)

  15. I'm leaving work later today, probably around for 40 minutes... let me know if you hate me too!

  16. est-ce que je peux me joindre à toi pour pleurer?

  17. sent you something.. now I'm going to cry with Roxane in a corner...

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