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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Allo à toutes! J'ai assisté au tournage de l'été indien, où Mika était invité, mardi. Ce fut une expérience des plus inoubliables. Tous les invités ont été sur le plateau pour toute la durée du tournage et, parce qu'il pleuvait et que le siège qu'on m'avait assigné s'est vite retrouvé inondé, j'ai dû assister au tournage de la tente des VIP. Boire du vin, manger des bouchées et pouvoir me déplacer librement compense pour être un peu plus loin du plateau mais surtout ne pas avoir à applaudir sur commande. La chimie entre les invités s'est faite très naturellement et Mika s'est fait 2 nouveaux admirateurs (Rachid Badouri et Martin Matte ont mis des posts très éligieux sur TW) L'émission avec Mika sera la 2e à être diffusèe, en août sur France2
  2. All 6 guests were there during all the shooting. The focus was put on one taking a turn but discussions were flying all over the place. So it's hatd to say how long they will keep for each. But you'll see him throughout the show.
  3. Thank you Treasa! It is an unique awesome experience that I will never forget:blush-anim-cl:
  4. Guess you need to bring an extra empty suitcase then:fisch:
  5. Because I gave Mika their Glitter and Gold tea:wink2:
  6. You should try Glitter and gold. it's really good. We're all tea addicts in the office and I converted my colleague already. And it really shines:teehee:
  7. When I first saw the name in the tea list, I promise myself to do a taste test and if I loved it, I would get some for mika. If you love sweet tea, it's really nice! Guess it,s another thing to put on your list of things to do while in Montreal:fisch:
  8. We took the pic all 3 together! And I gave him Glitter and gold tea from Davids Tea (which is really delicious) and has gold and silver sugar cristals that when disolved, put stardust in the tea:wink2:
  9. All I will say for now is that it was one of the coolest experience in my life:blush-anim-cl:
  10. The pic from that shoot is very well known... Mika wears a kilt! But we never saw Bryan Adams' house
  11. That's what he said last night in interview at Rouge. That he is now in the production part. When the host said the album will be out in November, he didn't contradict her:wink2:
  12. I was put on air tonight on Rouge FM to request BBB:fisch: Finally, I can say I heard it on the radio (as well as myself:naughty:)
  13. PLease Eriko... Stop with those screen caps... You're going to kill me:wub2: I really love the video, but like Guylaine, I need to watch it on a bigger screen. It's like 5 mini-movies in 4 minutes:thumb_yello:
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