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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. We already have a separate post for the travel arrangement and discussion... it might be the best place to put it, and put a link in each show thread? and Allie, there is a floor plan you could use on the OSm website http://www.osm.ca/fr/decouvrez-losm/la-salle/plan-de-la-salle
  2. Oui, on part la première d'août... On va à Virginia Beach... et comme Mika, on part en caravane, avec la famille à mon chum... Ca devrait aller :)

  3. Ca explique les ?


    Il y a juste les smilies du MFC qui fonctionnent

  4. Cool!


    Allo Justine :)

  5. Oh Mika et le mauvais timing... Je connais ça :P Dans mon cas, je risque de devoir demander congé mais j'attends de voir avant de planifier...


    Oui, je travaille aujourd'hui mais pas vendredi.


    Vous allez quelque part cette année?

  6. J'espère bien! Ce serait vraiment trop cool d'y assister... Et d'ainsi avoir la chance de te voir.


    Les enfants sont heureux d'être en congé? Les miens oui!

  7. seems like elastic bands, meant for the sleeve of his shirt to stay in place under his vest:wink2:
  8. I haven,t heard it yet, but by looking at the list of song played on air, I am happy to see Rouge FM seems to at least give the song a fair chance:thumb_yello:
  9. Great! Sounds interesting, no matter what it will be:thumb_yello:
  10. First night seats for Alireine and me are CC 6-8, second night GG 27-29. Third night, I have C314 (all the way up in the balcony)
  11. Seems like Rouge FM has decided to promote BBB:thumb_yello: http://montreal.rougefm.ca/Nouveautesmusicales/2014/06/21/boum-boum-boum-mika
  12. Of course, we all know he spends his night with his teddy bear:wink2:
  13. That would be fun, but I'm sure Julie has something different in mind:wink2:
  14. I would recognize those eyes anywhere! Very happy they have him on the show, hope he knows what he got himself into...
  15. Of course it does! Thanks for sharing the info. Sounds interesting:thumb_yello:
  16. Indeed! But it needs at least a page in the famous Guylaine:naughty:
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