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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Salut! Happy to see you here:thumb_yello:
  2. Stromae was in Montreal this week and he mentionned in an interview the subtitles were his idea, not the show's His thinking was: why not make life easier for everyone? He also mentionned he has not intention of singing in English... I see several articles on him from english-speaking sources so I think there a wind of change coming up... At least it's my perception.
  3. For anyone who are still pondering to buy ticket, availability as of this morning is already "limited" so hurry up before it,s too late:thumb_yello:
  4. Well, Radio Creme brulee has been a huge supporter of Mika, but they won't play BBB, they told me it didn't fit in their format:sneaky2:
  5. You're right, there are not direct flights to Montreal in the winter. When my daughter went to Italy last year, they transited through Frankfurt. Maybe you could have a look at that option.
  6. Don't count on me for a possible meetup the night before the gig... I would be available for lunches or dinner before gigs though.. And since we don't have to be at the venue 2 hours before the show, I think we have plenty of time to chat and eat before all 3 shows.
  7. For a sec, I thought you had come to say you were coming too...
  8. The fangurl decided to buy a ticket, in the balcony so less $$$... The mom thinks she'll wait until a few days before to decide if the fangurl will go or not:naughty:
  9. Personally, I'm tweeting, filling requests on website and sending SMS:wink2:
  10. The fangirl and the mom are still debating. Allie, I understand your dilemma:huglove:
  11. No they won't, unless you count Roxane (lilstar) as my child... But you just gave me an idea:wink2:
  12. Several contestants sang Stromae in The Voice.. The pic is from before, they met I think in Belgium a few years ago:wink2:
  13. I will probably end up going, just want to bring the subject face to face... And your kids might not need you as much as mine:wink2:
  14. still poundering whether my household can survive without me a third night in a row... If I get a ticket, it will be a cheap one:naughty:
  15. I love Stromae but some journalist on twitter last week tried to convince me he replaced Mika musically speaking. I don,t think they do the same kind of music. Stromae is slowly sprending in the US and is headlining 2 shows at the Bell center in Montreal tonight and tomorrow. Timing sucks so I can,t go... I made a personal task to convince the damn journalist that Mika's musis is NOT uninteresting as he told me:sneaky2:
  16. I know! Same thing here... EMD is #38 in French music on itunes Canada:blink:
  17. I hadn't noticed before http://www.ckoi.com/mention/nouveau-single-de-mika-boum-boum-boum-41724.html Somethinh tells me they will start to play it soon!
  18. Yes, I think we can... That's exactly what happened here with Elle me dit. Doesn't always work but if we get the ball rolling, and people like it and request it also, it can work!
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