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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. You're right! Didn't remember ticket numbers were in the hundred as you go up. You'll have a perfect view:thumb_yello:
  2. So let's lock him up in his parents basement and see what would come out of it:naughty:
  3. I don't see any difference between his collaborations no matter in which languages the songs are. Also, there is nothing wrong about being an interpreter and Mika is certainly a very good one
  4. Indeed When they're talking about his personality, i have no problem... It's more the physical hotness that we're having a problem with:wink2:
  5. It does say a lot though... About FB, while I still find it weird they post these things, part of me can't help being proud/glad some find him hot. I'm weird, I know:wink2:
  6. There are no difference between Garou and Mika, they both do a great job as coach and provide good entertainment when they interact with one another. Personally, I like seeing the coaching part in these shows as well as the music, as strange as it may seem
  7. Exactement... Quoique la plupart des chanteurs que je suivais adoe ont tous très bien veilli alors je ne suis pas inquiète pour Mika:mf_rosetinted:
  8. Il n'est pas vraiment mon genre non plus (roch) mais Hélène me rappelle un bon moment de ma jeune vie d'adulte et il est plutôt bien conservé à plus de 50 ans. il vieillit bien. Mais totalement d'accord avec toi, il n'arrive pas à la cheville de Mika:naughty:
  9. Now that's becoming stranger by the minute... I check a few other artists on the Republic Records website and went back to Universal Canada. While Ariana Grande and Lorde are mentionned, Mika isn't. Oh well
  10. I totally understand it could happen, he wouldn't be the first, nor would he be the last... Many find a new deal somewhere else. And go on with their career.
  11. All those labels are group on one website... And I just checked, no Mika
  12. Last time I checked, he was not even on the artist list on Universal Canada website...
  13. That's why following a few other artists help you on the waiting... As long as they come up with new music at different times:thumb_yello: And I am sure new album will be excellent:fisch:
  14. Il était le co-animateur de Pénélope McQuaid il y a quelques semaines... Toujours aussi beau:teehee:
  15. Je pense que c'est la meilleure place! Probablement que Kendji y chantera aussi son nouveau single...
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