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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Une autre expression serait être dans la jus, mais je ne suis pas sûre que ça aide. Ça veut dire avoir beaucoup de choses à faire en peu de temps, comme nos chères amies qui sont en fin de session au CEGEP. Je pense comme toi pour Mama Penniman, son grand chou va devoir la partager avec le petit chou...
  2. Yes, I think he's making real efforts to share more info:thumb_yello: And I vote for a simple, but real card for Paloma!
  3. Yes, she does... I saw her show on Friday, only to realize I've seen her more than Mika so far...
  4. Weekend très paresseux, temps de merde... Au moins, je n'avais pas à courir partout Toi?
  5. But even in Canada, there was a huge controversy/reactions when they announced the winner... The boy who won is a country singer, people outside the big cities voted massively for him as country is very popular in rural area... Yet, he was far from being the best, he couldn't really sing out of his comfort zone. As long as the public is voting, things like that will happen. We've had singing contests for more than 10 years now, a lot of participants have had nice career but the one who are huge (like Marie-Mai, she just did 2 shows at the Bell center with almost 9000 people each night and will launch her 5th album in 10 days) didn't even win... So I'm not too worried about Caroline or Elodie, they will make it nonetheless:thumb_yello:
  6. Dans le menu horizontal, choisit User CP. Tu arriveras sur une page avec un menu à gauche, choisit Edit avatar:thumb_yello: Et bienvenue!
  7. Exactly... He used enregistré, which I would translate by record and not register... So basically, he said he started recording songs at the beginning of last week
  8. http://voyage.sympatico.ca/escapades/quebec/vieux-montreal-original
  9. Think it's 15% in Quebec. No one needs to worry about bringing a ball gown for the show:wink2:
  10. The first time I went there, my immediate thought was "Imagine Mika on that stage", so I've been pinching myself ever since:naughty:
  11. Je ne crois pas que les spécifications soient définitives. Je suis sûre qu'en temps opportun, Guylaine pourra te donner les instructions en français, je peux sussi aider.
  12. Sneakers and high heel boots can be fine if sidewalks are dry and you're not doing too much sightseeing. But winter boots are a must the minute snow is coming or the weather is very cold. As for Quartier Latin, it is more animated (lots of homeless and prostitutes) you'll find accomodation that are not really recommandable, but otherwise it could be interesting.
  13. My winter coat is bright pink. It's Helly Hansen and I bought it a few months ago!
  14. In the after, while debriefing his candidates' performances, I think!
  15. Yes he did, but it was more of a joke than anything... In his last Montreal show, he did say "ta gueule" to someone who couldn't stop screaming his hame:shocked: personnally, I think she deserved it:mf_rosetinted:
  16. Yes, I find of version to be very good, they even mentionned last night that among all the versions, La Voix is the most watched, in relation to its population... This year, one of the coaches was Isabelle Boulay, who doesn't write songs, but she had her co-coach to write it. Guess it's unique for here...
  17. I found this about Maison Symphonique, there are nice pics:thumb_yello: http://www.osm.ca/en/discover-osm/hall
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