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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Seems we did the same thing last night... Thought the same as you did.
  2. Thanks for sharing! Nothing really new but nice interview
  3. No live feeds (if my tired brain remembers correctly) but we could watch videos
  4. You can vent anytime!

  5. Think that's the caveat of the show... It's not totally based on the performance. In our version, people can vote but the coach also gives a note and they add the two parts.
  6. From what I gather, people could start voting when it was the team turns and it stopped shortly after the 3rd singer was on. Watching LaVoix semi-final and there are some really awesome voices:thumb_yello:
  7. The award show is on April 26 but will be on TV on the 27, from what I understood
  8. Isn't the voting until 11:59 pm eastern time?
  9. Je suis très heureuse que Caroline soit encore là et j'espère que le public va vraiment se mettre derrière elle. Mais quoiqu'il arrive, elle a le soutien de Mika, c'est déjà beaucoup. La pauvre semblait vraiment terrorisée hier.
  10. Maybe it's because I already saw her last season of La Voix, but I don't like Jacynthe... She screams too much and overdo it every single time she sings.
  11. Très beau message et d'accord avec toi! Au plaisir de te croiser à Montréal:thumb_yello:
  12. Garou is from Quebec, like I am! Yes, they talk about where she's from. I really like her, she's a great singer and really sweet. And totally fangurls on Mika:thumb_yello:
  13. Caroline is from New Brunswick, another Canadian province
  14. I'm in Twitter purgatory right now... As for rumours, I don't see them and don't believe anything so... All I can do is to vote, the rest is out of my hands
  15. Thanks for your explanation! We always learn something new with Mika fans:thumb_yello:
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