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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Adam Cohen est le fils de Leonard Cohen:wink2: En fait, notre orchestre fait ce genre de concert 3-4 fois par année, la plupart du temps avec des artistes d'ici. Il y a eu entres autres Rufus Wainwright, Simple Plan et Marie-Mai. Effectivement, je crois que Roch Voisibe a fait un album symphonique. Cool pour ton internet!
  2. Je vais bien, c'est le weekend! Je suis allée voir un super concert mercredi dernier: Adam Cohen et Coeur de Pirate avec l'orchestre symphonique de Montréal, dans la magnifique nouvelle salle de l'orchestre. C'est magnifique! Toute la soirée, je me suis faite la réflexion que cette formule serait géniale avec Mika comme invité...
  3. True... A kid needs that to thrive. On that aspect, I'm like any other. I don't really like to brag about it publicly but they know they have my unconditional support. Think I'm more tolerant when it comes to Mika though:naughty:
  4. I do and I'm horrified by what some let their kids do in public. I was waiting in line at a shop the other day and this woman was in front of me. her kids were litteraly climbing the railings and she was like: You're both so good, I know it's long but mommy loves you. I would have almost slap mine if they would have done that:mf_rosetinted: On the other hand, I'm also surprised how many times I've been told how my kids are well-behaved by people in restaurant, etc because they say please and thank you. I mean, everyone should be doing it, right:blink:
  5. My answer to that is : NO WAY:naughty: If my kids behave annoyingly, I would be the first to tell them to stop. I like Adele a lot (we listen to her a lot in the car as it,s one of the few singers hubby and I both like) and you're right, she's pretty high in both categories:thumb_yello:
  6. I think we can't compare live performance to TV ones. The only thing I didn't like about that performance was that the sound was somehow off and there's nothing neither singers could do about it. In my book, of all the musicians that I love, Mika is in a category of its own. Can't explain it with words, but there is something in his music, his voice that amazes me every single time I hear him sing. Those who come close to him do have something in common: they may not have the best voice technically (on that matter, I think no one beats Celine Dion, even though I don't even like her much, the woman CAN sing) but they are able to carry emotions through their singing.
  7. I wish he could give me the referral for the granny nanny... Pretty sure my mom could use it with her mom from time to time:naughty: Sound like a pretty crazy good holiday to me:thumb_yello:
  8. Didn't see the video but listened to the song and it is a pretty good song:thumb_yello:
  9. We do... And I think we are slowly getting some. People who built on their strength even if they're not perfect. (At least I feel we have in my area)
  10. I agree with you. I personnally think they did well and I love Ariana.
  11. You mean he had to bend down almost in half to make sure his head was in the camera?
  12. I know they're not THAT big of of gap age between them but he almost look paternal to her:thumb_yello: he was clearly guiding her while singing... Was worth staying awake late and missing sleep:wub2:
  13. The show is taped in LA in the afternoon but it is aired at 11:35pm eastern time.
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