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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. I saw a show once where they were talking about a special breed of Golden Retriever that was specific for hunting. Those dogs are smaller, leaner and their fur coat is darker than usual GR. Think Mel is one of them
  2. I just started following you (cathouzouf there too:naughty:)
  3. Exactly.. I think some of these people are looking for an easy way up but it's not the case. Did you ever watch The Voice? I find it the cruelest... When someone sings and no one turns around.
  4. While I understand what you say, I advise you to watch the entire episode... Tiny clips don't give you a full picture. Did you see the guy singing Foo fighters? Because instead of crashing his hopes, they (and especially Mika) saw potential and made him go through
  5. But the willy incident is totally not representative of the whole show:wink2:
  6. What exactly are biro tips? Must say I love this bracelet since I saw it at XF press conf
  7. People pretending to fall in love with each other and bitching everyone out
  8. Please don't get me started on Occupation Double... Can't believe this piece of trash has been in TV for so long:shocked: Even Star Académie, I only watch the music show, not the daily trashy show..
  9. Même chose ici, j'attends Leno. Dommage que ce soit si tard et un mardi soir, on aurait pu se faire un visionnement entre filles avec maïs soufflé et ta célèbre glace:naughty:
  10. I only followed season 1 of the US XF. The winner was a girl who could sing well, but without flavor. Cowell loved her. She totally disappeared after that and her album was a flop... You can get big corporation behind you, but if you can't deliver, you won't stay. That's my prediction for the girl who won The Voice in Quebec last year. IMO, other finalists grabbed the spotlight more than she ever will. Anyhow I'm disgressing. And need to sleep on it to have more coherent thoughts
  11. I totally agree on the first part about swearing. Geez, I come from a place where we even turn swear words into verbs:naughty: About the second part, I think that even these big shots (and the public because they're usually the ones voting) don't always chose the right person as a winner. I didn't watch a lot of previous shows like this, but the ones that I watch, the winner rarely tunrs into THE star. Look at Adam Lambert. I also think my view is tinted because the shows that we get here are not the ones controlled By Cowell. They're still controlled by a big empire though, just a more regional one. In the first edition of Star Académie (already 10 years ago), there were a lot of good singers, but the one who got HUGE didn't even made it to the final. While most of them are still in the music business, she's massive. I have to admit I just watch XF. I did like it. And I think it's obvious they rely a lot on Mika to make this season a success. I will probable watch other episodes, if and when I have time...
  12. Wonder how many more hits after the appearance on Jay Leno tuesday:thumb_yello: Anyone wanna bet?
  13. Glad to know I'm not the only one who is thinking a lot about this whole thing:thumb_yello: I like the point that you are bringing. I also loved to hear Teresa's Italian point of view.
  14. Hey! Welcome to MFC:thumb_yello: Do you have a twitter account? I have a feeling I'm following there:naughty:
  15. For those looking for new recipes, I suggest this site http://www.troisfoisparjour.com/ (in French only though:wink2:)
  16. That's so cool! I hope it wins! First because it,s MIka, and second, the film maker is from Montreal:thumb_yello: That song is still among my favorites after all this time:wub2:
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