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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Un soleil mal luné is an absolute delight, it really grew on me:thumb_yello: I might hear songs in French, but not as often as I would like.
  2. You could add the whole province of Quebec to the lot... Elle me dit was a blast here and a lot of young girls screamed their lungs out to get Karen on Saturday night:thumb_yello:
  3. Quebec people are equally impolite, we just use different vocabulary. the equivalent of "bourré" would be "paqueté":wink2:
  4. Il a toujours le don de se pointer quand on s'y attend le moins ou dans une période occupée de ma vie:fisch:
  5. L'histoire des cheveux me rappellent une autre anectode... Pendant qu'on attendait après le spectacle, il y avait déjà hne bonne file. On se place sagement à la fin. Un groupe est arrivé après nous et semblait jn peu découragés. Il y en a un qui a dit, quand il sort on devrait s'avancer... On s'est toutes retournés (véro, Roxy et moi) pour lui dire, fais çapis c'est garanti que c'est la meilleure façon qu'il se pousse vite faut! Ils nous ont écouté et ça a marché! Il a vraiment fait toute la file
  6. Oui... Ca doit être assez freaksnt de sentir 2 mains inconnus sur ta tête... Beurk!
  7. Totalement! Je crois qu'on a eu droit à une belle prestation du magicien Mika! Et je suis fière d'avoir enfin pu lui faire signer un des carrés de tissus qui a servi à la surprise de son anniversaire en août dernier :-) je lui ai demandé s'il s'en souvenait, à quoi il a répondu: bien sûr! Tu vas bien?
  8. Tant que t'es pas celle qui lui a foutu la main dans les cheveux, c'est OK pour moi:thumb_yello:
  9. Indochine fait partie de mes souvenirs d'adolescence :-) j'ai pas écouté leur dernier CD... Sinon, j'ai vu Mika hier soir et c'était vraiment magique!
  10. I don't think you can hear the presentation of the song in the videos. He said he wanted to have something new in French just for this show and had work with Doriand by emails in the last days. So yes, I think it's pretty new. He aslo said Curtis learned to play it at soundcheck. Even if he needs help to formulate his thoughts, I still have no problem of seeing it as personal. Some of the most famous and acclaimed singers in this world spend their lives singing other peoples' words. Because a song is not just words, it's how you carry it across. And Mika did it beautifully last night. Even with a sheet of paper in his hand. I'm willing to give him time to work it out a bit and it can become something big. And the crowd loved it too. He aslo get bonus points fir thinking about doing this. Finally, people requested Karen and he sang it. Without any sheet. Without any mistakes and it was great. PS: I agree with you with the LA reddit of Make you happy, but do you remember the first time he tried to sing it at Lovebox?
  11. Yes, and it's been stuck in my head since last night. Isn't the sign of a great song?
  12. Maybe she had learn her lesson? Just like the other who was trying frantically to give him her gift when the poor lad was trying really hard to remember lyrics to Rain...
  13. Didn't want to make my report on my phone but since I'm bored at baseball practice might as well use the time! Queuing was fun... And cold. But so totally worth it! Just like childbirth: you forget everything when you get your reward at the end. I really enjoyed Max and Curtis DJ set, but it would have been better if we could hear them talk. After a quick 10-15 minutes wait, the lights went off and Mika quietly walked on stage. First thought: how can he be so freaking tall? Did he grew up in his sleep??? First songs were played without interruption and interaction. At one point, I was silently telling him to slow down... And at one point he did. He soon realized the crowd was willing to do anything and used it. Good: the fire started there. Bad: realizing he had completly **** up the setlists and didn't know where he was... Took requests... Sang Karen, Happy Ending and Rain... Can't remember which song, but he was trying to quiet things down a bit and almost succeeded when someone yelled: MIKA!!! He looked at that direction and let out a "ta gueule" (shut up) it was really funny. Towards the end, the crowd was crazy, so loud that all three musicians had to take off their earplugs... Mika always has this incredible look of unbelief when that happened. Like he doesn't fully realize how much people love him in Montreal... The new French song was a surprise and melted my heart. But what I loved most being so close was to witness the constant interaction between Mika, Curtis and Max. They do a great team and Curtis is an amazing musician. Always looks so cool, even when Mika is talking to him in French and has no clue what he is saying... To top all of that, we decided to wait for him. I hadbrought the fabric square I had kept from the bday surprise at the balloon festival. Since I couldn't have done it then. When he came to me, I gave him somemaple candy and then showed him the blue fabric, asking him if he remembered. He look at me, smiled and said: yes! How are you? I melt a little. Guess I'll be square lady forever! Last funny fact: a few people before me was a chinese girl. I didn't hear what she told him but he answered in mandarin. The man playing the body guard role, from what I understand someone from his technical staff, told him: see? You did learn something after all:fisch: To sum it up, I think Mika is truly a magical musician and last night show was perfect proof!
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