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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Merci beaucoup! On a choisi une musique d'inspiration sud-africaine finalement Le spectacle est le 13 avril, je mettrai un vidéo si je réussi à filmer:thumb_yello:
  2. Well it certainly scream the 70s to me and that's the theme of this whole photoshoot
  3. Think your dream classified in the "weird pregnancy dreams" category:thumb_yello: Can we be April yet?
  4. Pretty amazing I must say! Enjoy:thumb_yello:
  5. I totally understood what she meant. I don't care about the hair (or lack of in the future), there are far more interesting subject to discuss about than this:thumb_yello:
  6. That's the problem, I don't enjoy it at all
  7. I do too... Can we please talk about something other than the man's hair? Please:aah:
  8. No, you're not... Strangely, besides the clothing, he looks much like he does right now in this video:fisch:
  9. He should do it... I'm getting a bit tired of all this talk about the man's hair:mf_rosetinted:
  10. Even though our public school are not catholic anymore, they still celebrate christmas
  11. Thanks Mika for being so easy to understand:wink2: he speaks slower in french than a native french speaker and his french us also somewhat international!
  12. You know, when Mika refers to his accent as an airport accent, he is totally right... Generally, he has regional (either US or UK) in his accent or vocabulary. Also, i find he adjusts his speaking whenever he's in the UK... That's probably why you can understand him. If I can give you a tip, when you listen to an english movie, put the english subtitles as well, it will be easier to follow:thumb_yello:
  13. She's an amazing young jazz singer http://www.nikkiyanofsky.com/ To answer Guylaine, no new album yet... Think it'scoming this summer. She's playing 2-3 shows at Montreal Jazz Festival
  14. Made my day! NA tour sounds exciting, can we be April yet?
  15. You can have cohesion on stage even with hired-help! In fact, do you know that Bon Jovi is not technically a band? The only name on contrat is Jon, he's contracting the others, since 1983:fisch: As long as it works, I don't think there is just one formula working
  16. MIKA is not a band, it's a singer with hired-help... When the singer is not doing gigs, these musicians need to feed themselves... They have project on their own. I don't see it as sacking, but going separate after both parties agreed. Personally, as much asI like to getto know them and discover nice people, as long as they play well, I don't really care who's there or not:thumb_yello:
  17. Don't think intimate and choir fit together... Maybe it was a logistic nightmare? And not easy to coordinate with festival?
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