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Status Updates posted by BiaIchihara

  1. Como resistir a un muro tán... (gasmic) hermoso como lo seu :mikacool::das:

    Voy bien sí sweeta, tienga una semana golden :huglove:



  2. Thanks for your friend request ^^

  3. Hablar no, pero puedo escribir un poco :naughty:

    Soy Bia, igualmente :bye::huglove:

  4. Yes, I knew, Laymay told me :wink2:

    Lots of things happening around here since you last visit, no access to MFC for a weekend, Mika will use a new band, Gang Bang demo leaked (and yesterday got a reply from Milla Jovovich on Twitter :teehee:)

    Let me know in case you move to Brasil :mf_rosetinted:

    Miss you too DM sister, have a safe trip you and your family hug.gif:huglove: (don't forget to visit our DM thread when you come back, it's filled of news :das:)

  5. Hey there :bye:

    Thanks for your request :original::huglove:

  6. Thanks for your friendship request :D

  7. I say the same that Mikasister said, love love you korean sister hug.gif:huglove: :huglove:

  8. Hi to you too ^^

  9. Feliz Níver Ci :yay:





  10. Hey there :huglove:


    Nothing new or that interesting, first period of exams is over, but the second one is already starting, nice isn't??? :mf_rosetinted:


    But apart of that I'm fine, how about you??? :biggrin2:

  11. No canto superior deve ter um número dizendo quantas notificações vc tem, te mandei um pedido de amizade já faz um tempo, aí vc adiciona, não é tão difícil de aprender ^^


    Pra facilitar, dá uma olhada nesse link



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