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Status Updates posted by BiaIchihara

  1. Y me gusta mucho usted xD

  2. DIOS MIO!!! :shocked:


    Brasil tiene lugares muy belos para si conorcer, será muy bienvenida aqui ^^


    Yo tiengo algo para usted también :biggrin2:





  3. Me gustaría mucho ir a Argentina también

    Y gracias por su pedido de amistad ^^

  4. Hola, compañera de cumpleaños :yay:


    Miro que entraste para la família MFC ayer, bievenida aqui :bye:

    Si precisar de ayuda, llame a mi ou los otros miembros ou los moderadores (aqueles com los nombres en azul)


    Placer en conorcer más una fan de la América Latina :biggrin2:


    Saludos desde Brasil :huglove: :huglove: :huglove:

  5. You're welcome and I'm glad for you like my new avvie :original:

    btw, I'm needing you again, please come back :aah:


    EDIT: I got all the clues now :yay:

  6. I heard you're liking Italy (me too, btw I started to learn some words and phrases in italian some days ago) :teehee:


    Hope this may help you :wink2:




    A presto :huglove:

  7. Hola :bye::huglove:


    Fueran apenas OK, e pasé elaño nuevo en casa, y las suas??? :original:

  8. don't know if that ''have a nice day'' was for me, but I wish the same for you ^^

  9. well done, I'm already following you xD

  10. of course :das:

    and good to know you're one too :biggrin2::teehee:

  11. I've always liked Lady Gaga :aah:

    I've become a fan while I was listening her songs and knowing more about her :wink2::original:

  12. :bye:




    E GOLDEN 2012 pra vc :flowers2::huglove:

  13. Vou bem, sim, minhas aulas na faculdade já acabaram há um bom tempo e finalmente terminei o curso de inglês, agora posso me concentrar mais nesses trabalhos acadêmicos :yay:


    Vejo que resolveu seu desgaste psicológico depois de um..outro show...do MIKA...em Portugal :mf_rosetinted::aah:


    Meu Natal foi OK, um jantar em casa de tia e uns presentinhos legais :original:


    Abraços e até 2012 :bye::huglove:

  14. We can do it... decades later :mf_rosetinted:

    I'm watching french basic lessons on YT btw, you could search for portuguese basic lessons :teehee:


    Bonne nuit Francoise :huglove:

  15. Finalmente online, como vai??? :bye:


    A propósito, por onde andaste, homem??? Voltando só agora nos finalmente de 2011 :mf_rosetinted:

    Enfim, recebi seu e-mail, (desculpa só te responder agora, é pq... eu só me lembrei agora :aah:) é muito gorgeous :wub2:, big thanks e espero que tenha tido um ótimo Natal e que tenha um ano novo melhor ainda :original:


    Abraços e :huglove: pra vc

  16. Yes, now it's 26th worldwide, but no problem, at least I got a sign from you...and I liked it :das:


    Don't get too excited, it's gonna take a LOT of time to we have a proper conversation in french :mf_rosetinted: , but I'm glad for my french is going fine by now :pinkbow:


    Bonne nuit et sweet dreams :huglove: :huglove:


    By the way your portuguese is very good :wink2:

  17. En effet ces't 26 décembre :aah:


    Mais grand merci pour votre carte et Joyeux Nöel sweetie :flowers2:





  18. Hey there, I already follow you on Twitter, I'm @Bia1009

    Thanks for add me and have Happy Holidays ^^

  19. Para usted también :newyear:





  20. Feliz Navidad para usted también, que pases GOLDEN




    :huglove: :huglove: :huglove:

  21. Hola Ju :bye:


    Perdón pelo atraso, peró...





  22. Hello :bye:


    Sorry for being late but...





  23. Merci pour tu demande d'ami ^^

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