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Status Updates posted by BiaIchihara

  1. Hola Alba :bye:, para usted :wub2:




    Te extraño sweeta :huglove:

  2. I've already downloaded :aah: , thanks sweetie :huglove:


    For you :flowers2:



  3. Hey there, could you give the link (or the links) to all the songs from LICM album??? ^^

  4. You're welcome and no problem :wink2: , btw I can add you, here's my FB :original:



    Thanks for wanting to add me :huglove:

  5. Hope this break don't be too long :mf_rosetinted:, I still wanna those cookies, fresh and hot :das::roftl:

  6. Where's Dave Gahan cookies??? :tears::aah::tears:

  7. Ok then, sweet dreams :bye::huglove: :huglove:

  8. Hello again, how are you???

  9. Sorry, didn't want to let you upset, I meant sweetie Gaga Monster :original: :original: :original:

  10. Hey there :bye::huglove:


    How's your talking to the moon with Bruno going, sweetie monster??? :naughty:

  11. *sends HIGH FIVE* :aah:


    see you later DM friend :teehee::huglove:

  12. No problem, you're welcome :wink2:

    And yes, it's all fine over here :original::huglove:

  13. Oh, thank you :wub2:

    I like yours too :biggrin2:

    Gotta go sleep, but before that, a :huglove: and...




    :das: :das: :das:

  14. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey there :bye::das:

    Long time we don't talk, how are you???

    Nice profile/avatar pics btw :wub2:

  15. Tu tbm pessoa :teehee::aah:


    Anytime :huglove:

  16. :bye: No they haven't, and it's not necessary, this was already posted on MS and Mika twitter thread :wink2: :wink2:
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