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Status Updates posted by BiaIchihara

  1. Big kisses to you too, dear Françoise :huglove:

    I wish the same to you the same with a lot of hug.gifhug.gif

  2. College: private

    Uni: public


    My course in the college takes 5 years btw :sweatdrop:

    Usually coming back to school is good (just to see your friends again :mf_rosetinted:)

  3. Eu estou bem, e você??? :teehee:

    I've been just reading posts (in MFC, social networks...), a few times posting, seeing if MIKA tweeted :mf_rosetinted:


    Have a good weekend crazy MIKA fan :aah:

  4. I finished school two years ago, now I'm at college :wink2:, and I gonna have classes until beginning of December :mf_rosetinted:


    Have a good return to school :huglove:

  5. Anytime :biggrin2:


    Time's going really fast, just less than one week :wub2: (I hope there's Elle Me Dit at least at the encore :mf_rosetinted: )


    DA going away from Earth got me very upset too, she still had a lot to live, but hoping for her finally can relax in peace now, let me less sad

  6. Yes, since July, how about yours???

  7. Hola sweeta :bye:

    Dinada :wink2:, hace un longo tiempo que no nos hablamos, voy bien, y usted??? :biggrin2:

  8. *sends some golden confettis*




    :yay: Congrats sweetie, happy MIKA gig, YAY!!! :yay:


    Happy early b-day btw :das:

  9. Hey there :bye:

    Thanks for your friend request :original::huglove:

  10. Hello to you too :bye:

    I'm clean and smelling good, just came from a shower :teehee:

    Haha, and fine too :biggrin2:, are you going to the gig in Seoul btw???

  11. No (yet), but I'm a fan with a lot of faith, faith, FAITH!!! xD

  12. you're welcome =D

  13. Of course :teehee:

    Gonna leave a hello there... mikasoon :mf_rosetinted::aah:

  14. Fine :original: , watching



    And you??? :original:


  16. Happy ha-ha pee bee-day!!! :happybday:




    With lots of love, lollipops and a lot of MIKA too :teehee:





  17. Happy ha-ha pee bee-day, sweet Zuha!!! :happybday:


    With lots of love, lollipops and a lot of MIKA too :teehee:







  18. Gracias usted por aceptarme también :original:

    Buenas noches y sweet dreams :bye::huglove:

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