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About anthusa

  • Birthday 02/17/1989


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    w/YKA, in Mika we believe

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  • Occupation
    Civil engineering student

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  1. Yeah it seems almost done, for the end of the month I guess I'll be already to my college town in Chieti a little bit more down than Cattolica ;) but of course i hope so much he'll do something again soon (not February or June/July cause I'll have exams xD) and of course I'll try to have a little work in order to save some money and get high marks just to have some kind of prizes from my daddy, he already knows that I need to be on gig trasfert when Mika is doing something so I hope so to not loose this wonderful abitude and of course meet you all again and again :)

    So let's hope and wait for a while, as he always say we'll see ;)

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