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Rosie-Posie Boffin

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About Rosie-Posie Boffin

  • Birthday 01/13/1992


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    Voldemort's Best Man

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  1. I can't see it :sad:. It says that the file has been removed due to violation of Imageshack terms of service blahblahblah :crybaby:


    I believe it's something I'd really like to see ... :naughty:. Am I right or m I right :lmfao:



    PS I finally watched the vid you have in your siggie and ... I wish I hadn't. The game he's playing with his lips at the end of the first minute - he's cruel :swoon:.


    Plus I wish I was the mic (as lame as it sounds).


    Plus the part you have in your siggie - I'd do with him what he does with the smells he likes - conserve him. But no, he'd fade. He cannot be captured. He's so happy and so lucky, yet I believe he must also have a lonelier and sadder side to his heart. Happy and glittering outside, but serious and sad inside, just like his songs.


    Huh, Siu, stop the melancholy :lmfao:

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