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Everything posted by Siu

  1. I totally agree with you. When a was spying around in lambert's official, there were more than 1200 fans online! We have around 100, give or take a dozen or two, but when it comes to voting, we're not that much behind Lambert. Another comparison - Lambert has 860,000 twitter followers, MIKA 160,000. Lambert's fan base is considerably larger, but MIKA's is considerably more loyal. We should be proud of ourselves! And MIKA should be f***ing happy to have us as his fans . If MIKA were more apt to communicate with the media, spill spicy details about his personal life, we would see his pretty face on magazine covers more often and his fan base would be bigger, but this simply isn't MIKA. He doesn't sell his soul for fame. And we as fans are the reflection of him - modest (in numbers), yet do the best that we can.
  2. Maybe growing back his curls is what would help :naughty:. He's losing real bad ATM to Lambert :sneaky2:. I've been voting since morning but no change. I feel like a totally crazy :fangurl:. All the things he makes us do :roftl:!

  3. Although the situation is a bit hopeless, we have to keep voting. The battle is not lost before it's over http://votorama.mtv.uol.com.br/50-cantores-dos-anos-2000?o=1980
  4. I peeked in AL's offical web page and discovered we have a spy lurking around here and reporting of our plans etc . It's a real battle with troops and spies
  5. Fans are the weirdest kind of people - they commit to clicking on yellow buttons, entering six-letter codes and refreshing the page for hours and hours, only to see their mastah #1
  6. Make MIKA golden again! 1. Adam Lambert 32.2% 2. MIKA 30.2% ^ Days left to vote: 1 http://votorama.mtv.uol.com.br/50-cantores-dos-anos-2000?o=1980
  7. He MUST! We have to work harder, though I don't know how to do that . More people are needed, that's for sure. AL has gone up again! :aah:I'm really starting to think there's something wrong. There are many of us voting all the time, but still no big changes for MIKA.
  8. I feel like a lineman voting on several tabs . More than half an hour and no changes though
  9. Well done, Francoise . You went voting and there was a slight rise right away
  10. Make MIKA golden again! 1. Adam Lambert 32.1% 2. MIKA 30.1% ^ Days left to vote: 1 http://votorama.mtv.uol.com.br/50-cantores-dos-anos-2000?o=1980
  11. Europe is waking and ready to Hopefully AL fans are having their beauty sleep again. I'm humming a lullaby for them as I vote
  12. Make MIKA golden again! 1. Adam Lambert 32.1% 2. MIKA 30.0% Days left to vote: 1 http://votorama.mtv.uol.com.br/50-cantores-dos-anos-2000?o=1980
  13. +1 Maybe AL fans have hacked the page and all MIKA votes go to AL?
  14. Make MIKA golden again! 1. Adam Lambert 31.0% 2. MIKA 30.1% Days left to vote: 2 http://votorama.mtv.uol.com.br/50-cantores-dos-anos-2000?o=1980
  15. Curls to vote for :naughty:



  16. Make MIKA golden again! 1. Adam Lambert 30.9% 2. MIKA 30.2% Days left to vote: 2 http://votorama.mtv.uol.com.br/50-cantores-dos-anos-2000?o=1980
  17. Tell me about it! Actually something just changed - Lambert has 30,8% now . Not the change I was waiting for
  18. There are changes but in favour of Lambert, unfortunatley At times I've been voting close to half an hour non-stop before the number go up.
  19. Make MIKA golden again! 1. Adam Lambert 30.6% 2. MIKA 30.1% Days left to vote: 2 http://votorama.mtv.uol.com.br/50-cantores-dos-anos-2000?o=1980
  20. I'm amazed that no-one has posted it here yet. Beautiful, beautiful hair
  21. It's a draw 29,5% vs 29,5% A whole bunch of votes needed! http://votorama.mtv.uol.com.br/50-cantores-dos-anos-2000?o=1980 LET'S VOTE AS IF OUR LIVES DEPENDED ON IT!
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