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Everything posted by Siu

  1. Next also has the shirt both for men and boys . And I most certainly didn't buy one for my son
  2. You could check with the mods just in case. Many people who normally don't visit the voting thread would perhaps be keen in voting for such a one-off contest.
  3. He too thinks his lips are basically pointlessly delicious
  4. Thanks, Carla! Checked - I can see the pics now :thumb_yello:. I'm going to have an entertaining day tomorrow :naughty:.

  5. In Faxo, too, Lambert's fans are generally a lot fiercer than Bieber's. ATM both MIKA and Lambert are going up - 18.7 vs 20.7. We need bigger troops!
  6. MIKA is #2 with 18,6% of the votes! #1 has 19,3%! EASY, UNLIMITED, VOTING FOR MIKA: PILE ON . . . MIKA IS #2! http://votorama.mtv.uol.com.br/50-cantores-dos-anos-2000 It took me about 25 minutes of non-stop voting to go up 0.1%! That's around 100 votes. We are up against tough rivals .
  7. He's the "practice what I preach type of guy" :roftl:. But where I learned the lesson 2 - bend your head and watch this: http://hope-you-remember-what-the-code-was-since-I-had-to-delete-it :naughty:. All that money can buy :naughty:. See why I keep working so hard? :lmfao:

  8. Impatiently waiting for the original :naughty:


    Sleep - what's that!? :shocked: I had half a day of joy and now I'm engaged in professional pros**tution, hence working simply for the big bucks :boxed:. Lesson 2 from da mastah: you don't always have to enjoy what you do :naughty:. Lesson 1 was: work hard, then the beer tastes better in the evening :lmfao:

  9. We don't know for sure he's sharing true facts about himself . The blue catsuit story, for example. He probably had written the January column well before the new year . As much as the internet facilitates creating relationships it may also doom them well in advance. If you have too much information on people before you actually meet them and get to learn them, you create an image of them which may not correspond to reality. And the rest is said in Rain As for the sudden surprise in the magic number version of Rain, maybe he was simply daydreaming and let his heart speak
  10. MIKA is #2 with 18,2% of the votes! #1 has 19,1 %! EASY, UNLIMITED, VOTING FOR MIKA: PILE ON . . . MIKA IS #2! http://votorama.mtv.uol.com.br/50-cantores-dos-anos-2000
  11. I know that my motives are purely selfish but I'm dying to see the pics in Wonkaland part 1, so I've sent you a friend request :wink2:

  12. Oh, and you don't have this yet on your wall :wink2:



  13. Thank you Alba! :huglove: The new pics that Eriko posted this morning ... simply :swoon:, aren't they?

  14. Your inside informations seems to be too correct indeed. AL has gone up 4 places! AL is going up and MIKA is going down. 15.4 vs 19.0
  15. You'll definitely manage - French is not that difficult :mf_rosetinted:.


    What have you been up to, Blue Moon? :naughty:

  16. Thank you for the friend request :blush-anim-cl:



  17. Thank you Alba! Luckily I don't feel blue. I just wanted an excuse to post this picture stunned.jpg

    So serious yet so lovely :wub2:

    Watermarks :sneaky2:


    Why are you sad?

  18. There is a solution - make an account just for voting . I did . Not that it helps in this case
  19. Some things in this world are just not meant to go as you want them to.
  20. Exhausted, sleep deprived, frustrated. I'm trapped in work, holiday keeps eluding me
  21. New contests have opened! Click on the links and submit entries + VOTE Musician_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Musician_of_the_Month/2011/02 Top_YouTube_Video http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Video/2011/02 Top_YouTube_Musician http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Musician/2011/02 Follow_Me http://tweeter.faxo.com/Follow_Me/2011/02 Actor_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Actor_of_the_Month/2011/02 Best_Music_Website http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Music_Website/2011/02 Best_Celebrity_Website http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Celebrity_Website/2011/02 Best_Fansite http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Fansite/2011/02 Best_Forum_Message_Board_or_Blog http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Forum_Message_Board_or_Blog/2011/02 Sexiest_Twitter http://tweeter.faxo.com/Sexiest_Twitter/2011/02 Mr_YouTube http://tweeter.faxo.com/Mr_YouTube/2011/02 Mr_Twitter http://tweeter.faxo.com/Mr_Twitter/2011/02 Best_of_Twitter http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_of_Twitter2011/02 Top_YouTube_Channel http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Channel/2011/02 Best_Pet http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Pet/2011/02 Best_Facebook_Page http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Facebook_Page/2011/02
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