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Everything posted by Siu

  1. Starting tomorrow we can add new vids in the Top_YouTube_Video contest. Following is a list of ideas of what to include. Everyone is of course free to choose other vids to add too, but as discussed earlier, we should from now on limit MIKA-vids to around a (long) dozen . MIKA - Relax, Take It Easy (New Version) MIKA - Grace Kelly (Extended Version) Kick Ass Rain - Live@Home Grace Kelly (french) - Jam session We are golden + golden hearts Mika Blame It On The Girls Live Abbey Road Nov 2009 I See you - Through the looking glass By the time - Little Noise Mika + Boyzone 37. BEHIND THE ARTWORK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkstIMP_FxM 26. MIKA STUDIO TOUR 3, LOS ANGELES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTs771njYq0&feature=related 35. MANIC MONDAY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1NhLrTu0BY&feature=related
  2. The last seven hours! Your votes can still make the difference! Top_YouTube_Video http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Video/2010/12?page=2 #48 MIKA and Boyzone [HD] - Gave It All Away Follow_Me http://tweeter.faxo.com/Follow_Me/2010/11 #13 @MikaFanClub Best_Fansite http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Fansite/2010/11 #14 mikafanclub.com Mr_Twitter http://tweeter.faxo.com/Mr_Twitter/2010/12 #15 @mikasounds Best_of_Twitter http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_of_Twitter/2010/12?page=2 #37 @Mikasdog
  3. Last votes from me this year on the way! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!
  4. Last time I had to stay away banning was my first idea and telling hubby about MFC was the second. Still is. If can't stay away, I'll tell him :lmfao:. Yeah, sure :mf_rosetinted:


    New word for Mikanictionary: Mikaruin - it's when you are torn between RL and MFC :roftl:

  5. Your alarm probably rang at 7 :lmfao:?


    Unfortunately I understand too well what you're saying. I've been thinking about asking mods to ban me, cause in a month I have another deadline for a rather big project that has nothing to do with MIKA (I'd do a MIKA-related project oh how quickly :naughty:. Or then again, maybe not, I'd rather take my time and enjoy it as long as I possibly can :naughty:), so lurking around in MFC doesn't help it further not even an inch.


    everybody needs help today, needs help today, needs help today

    everybody ...

  6. Two days until the end of the contests! More votes needed here: Follow_Me http://tweeter.faxo.com/Follow_Me/2010/11 Actor_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Actor_of_the_Month/2010/11 Best_Celebrity_Website http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Celebrity_Website/2010/11 Best_Fansite http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Fansite/2010/11 Mr_Twitter http://tweeter.faxo.com/Mr_Twitter/2010/12
  7. I'm about to say: when he's kissing a rat----hot [YOUTUBE]LWBBYbrV-mw[/YOUTUBE] Skip the first 3 mins. Or rather don't. It's worth watching from start to end
  8. I'm in love with the last millisecond of the gif This thread to me is like honey to the bees
  9. And you had to wake up at...? You're even crazier than I am :lmfao:.

    I'm thinking about staying away from MFC for another week (or two :blink:), cause the only reason I"work" till 3 am is that m not very efficient when MFC is open on another desktop :aah:.

    But well, here I m again! We need help :naughty:. Let's go over to the shrinks' :roftl:!

  10. I just noticed your location. Now I have a creepy feeling
  11. I wouldn't call it stalking. I'm just ... present. Omnipresent. Do you feel stalked?
  12. Last time I checked Rosie, you were going to bed and it was a long time ago . Not that I mind, I need something to keep me up while I'm working. On the other desktop .
  13. @WAXMIKASOUNDS in Follow Me is also about to lose its current position - @paulbyrom is only a few votes away!
  14. This shows that you should always beware and look over your shoulder.


    I'm not saying that DA was a complete saint but I don't see how what she said could any way have been the last drop in the chalice.


    A lot of members have done their fair share of drooling especially in the gasmics. Are we all going to be banned for that!?


    Not to mention battering MIKA for the choice of clothes, which has been anything BUT respectful!

  15. Last night @adamlambert was stepping on the heels of @mikasounds in the Sexiest of Twitter, today he's snached MIKA's position. He's not far ahead, we might still catch him!
  16. The OFB thing was probably just a good excuse to get rid of her. I surfed around Twitter yesterday and I'm not so sure it was by chance this happened. Some peeps are rather proud of their actions, so it seems. It's so low!


    She didn't even get a proper warning before being banned. A message saying that she was banned for showing no respect to MIKA was sent later, but this is not a way of settling things rightfully, IMO. I don't like the smell of it!

  17. I'll keep that in mind next time I go to London . *Plans to keep a muffin at hand at all times*
  18. That's one advantage having a husband gives you - you never have to worry about not having enough money for the Internet
  19. I share your understanding of beauty!
  20. That's the main question - she was banned for good for no apparent reason yesterday. Check the discussion in the gasmics. I can't see the issue that triggered such a conclusive step.

  21. I ran a business. Now MFC is running me. And the business is running amok.
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