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Everything posted by Siu

  1. The first time it really stuck me! Lady Jane! Vicious? I checked the lyrics up right away, but my brain keeps playing the trick on me . I never hear "blissful underwear" though . Only "peaceful unaware" . My hubby said he hears something far more filthy . but I guess he only said it to annoy me .
  2. Both are great suggestions! It is bizarre that Wika has no been mentioned in the British media! I know that MIKA is not currently in the minds of the greater audience in UK, but nevertheless he is one of the pride and glories of the British pop.
  3. In "Lady Jane" I keep hearing Said "I order you to get that vicious head on my plate!"
  4. I actually started the discussion some time ago But it's good that you brought the issue up again. In the meantime I've had time to think about it a bit more and maybe were trying just a little bit TOO hard . I mean I usually don't click on the vids in the contest (sometimes, but mostly by accident ) and I think I'm not the only one. What is important about the contest(s) is that people see MIKA's name, some remember it and check him out. It's wise to have different kinds of vids, but it' hardly a place people delve into getting to know a new artist. Nevertheless we should include vids that show MIKA's versatility, but this time we should confine to a dozen or a few more vids. If I went to vote on Faxo's site and the whole first page included only Casey James for example in time I would probably get less enthusiastic about voting. We should give others a chance as well.
  5. We could beat Adam for a short while last night but today he's out of reach MJ in Musician of the Month has done a good job climbing up to #2 . On the brighter side: MIKA could soon be the Sexiest Twitter #4. The usual nearly 200 points that separate him from #4 have decreased to a bit more than a dozen! Truly great job! MIKA the sexiest twitter ever! @Mikasdog has also pattered rather quickly on her little paws (maybe not SO little any more) and is currently #11 with mere 4 votes separating her from #10! "First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin"Leonhard Cohen Let's push MIKA the Sexiest twitter #4 and @Mikasdog the Best pet #10!
  6. Dear John! Merry Christmas to you too! Hope to see you again rather sooner than later!
  7. Dunno The lil one looked so cute in it . Poor thing, he's gonna wear it all the time. I'm gonna put him in it
  8. Let's race @adamlambert in Musician of the Month! I'm sure MIKA can beat him any time
  9. That's what I was also thinking until it hit me that he released LICM at the BEGINNING of 2007 and TBWKTM quite at the END of 2009, so there were actually 2,5 years between the two albums. According to these calculations the third one should thus come out in the first months of 2012. It's too long! The good thing is that months before that we should already be able to see the first fruits . And maybe, just maybe, since he's going to start recording in March, it'll be less than 2,5 years this time. MIKA! Relax and take it easy at Christmas and have the wildest new year's party, but then - back to work, boy! We're waiting, impatiently!
  10. I was humming (out of the blue!) Charmless Man tonight and then I realised there's another handsome, ridiculously good looking guys I used to fancy the heck out of when I was ... oh ... a lot younger. My one and only (back then) - Damon. Damon Albarn The most beautiful (were these really grey!? I thought that blue) eyes (back then) The cutest bead necklace (back then) The sexiest lips (back then) He should never have got old(er). He should never have split up with Justine.
  11. For some reason I think we're NOT admiring the same pic
  12. I'm going along with the change you made, cause I was looking for a new iPod when I came across a Phillips mp3 player that I almost ordered simply because of the pic . I love Phillips!
  13. Did you remember to put your slipper on the window-sill? Look at your smilie, Rosie, and the pic . Only the pompom is missing!
  14. That's a sweet way of looking at it! Thanks! I promised myself that I won't push my MIKAmadness on others, but this time I couldn't resist :blush-anim-cl:.


    My son - he's blond, straight hair. BUT long black lashes!


    However, I've started to see MIKA in my daughter :naughty:. "Well..If I can't send her Mika at least I can make her see him in her daughter" :blink::roftl:

  15. It must be the MIKAdraught playing tricks on me - I went shopping this morning and I bought my son one of my fav MIKAshirts :lmfao:



  16. Welcome, dear! I enjoyed selecting the smiles a lot as you may imagine
  17. Francoise! For you the most radiant of smiles and the cutest of smiles and the most beautiful of smiles the warmest of smiles the biggest of smiles and finally the sexiest of smiles
  18. you really love him, like me~ The quickest "I do!" ever
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