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Everything posted by Siu

  1. This one is bewitching. Not the hair. Alone. - this is me since noon yesterday . It's utterly amazing! I'm noticing aspect of the music I haven't heard since I was a ... MIKAvirgin . Listening to the music day in day out somehow made me blind (or rather deaf) to the nuances, I knew every note by heart and I didn't really have to listen to hear the music, if you know what I mean. It was in my head. Now I'm LISTENING to it again, not just hearing. I wish I had the willpower to have such breaks more often.
  2. That's the smile I've been re-watching certain moments on the PDP vid for dozens of times in a row, done the broken-record thing. The end of French GK... how could you NOT love it?
  3. Have a week off of MFC, MIKApics, MIKAmusic and anything to do with MIKA and then you'll see how hot and amazing everything in the MIKAworld is! Believe me, the outcome is worth the effort!
  4. I was thinking about what Marilyn said earlier today about adding new entries in the Top Youtube Video contest and I think she's perfectly right! Quantity does not always outweigh the quality. We presently have more than 25 MIKAvideos in the contest, which means that not all of them will have a place on the first page. AND there's the issue of possible complaints about adding too many vids. I think that next month we could focus on showing different aspects of MIKA and add one or two vids from, for example the following categories: - a catchy CD version - an acoustic song - a vid from a concert (for a large audience + more visuals) - a vid from a small gig (e.g. something like Jam Sessions, Paris 2009) - vlog (introducing music and/or art and/or something more general [i'd put Manic Monday - who wouldn't love MIKA in MM!?]) - talk+song (e.g. talking about TBWKTM or Abbey Road) - an interview (with singing) in French - something very MIKAish - etc We have a month to decide on the categories and exact vids, so if you agree with the approach, let's keep the discussion going! This would definitely NOT mean that no other vids can be added, but since MIKA is so multi-faceted as an artist and as a person, we should show the many sides of him and his music.
  5. The longer you're away, the better is the coming back and the better sound the first notes of MIKAmusic. It's like taking the first sip of coffee after a coffee-free period. I' literally dizzy from listening to the music again. I'm hearing things in it I haven't heard since I first discovered him. If I only had the willpower to make such brakes more often... :lmfao:

  6. Thanks, Marilyn! And a big thank you to everyone for doing such a good job while I was off. The Top You Tube Video page is simply amazing! Not a single non-MIKA vid! I added MIKA "Let It Snow" acoustic 2009. [YOUTUBE]kBMUUHxLpsc[/YOUTUBE] It's at the end of the 2nd page, but let's push it up! It's so funny and MIKAish and it's so right for the season!
  7. It sort of was MIKArehab :biggrin2:. No MIKA whatsoever since last Thursday afternoon (except for my kids humming Love Today every once in a while :roftl:).


    I had a plan worked out: if I had tripped and come back to MFC too soon (three days before the right time is not too soon :biggrin2:) then I would have told my husband about MFC. Since I didn't want to jeopardize my MFC life I was a GOOD girl :biggrin2:. Well, almost :naughty:

  8. Silver, Francoise and Mlx! I've added you as the loyal members of the KMG VC! :flowers2:
  9. Hi everyone! I've updated the first post. Following is a brief overview of the results of the previous contests Closed 2/12 Top_YouTube_Video @MIKAVEVO MIKA - RedOne - Kick Ass (We Are Young) #1 @Terezqa27 MIKA - ''KICK ASS'' BEHIND THE SCENES #2 @MlleRyu Mika - Kick Ass Live [Live In Seoul 2010, Olympic Hall] #3 @cutmore2 - Mika Vs RedOne - Kick Ass (Cutmore Radio Remix) #4 Top_YouTube_Musician @MikaSoundsOfficial #1 @MikaSoundsBlog #2 @MIKAVEVO #3 Mr_YouTube @MikaSoundsOfficial #1 @MikaSoundsBlog #2 @MIKAVEVO #3 Mr_Twitter @mikasounds #6 Top_YouTube_Channel @MikaSoundsOfficial #2 @MikaSoundsBlog #3 @MIKAVEVO #4 Best_Pet @Mikasdog #1 Truly well done! :thumb_yello: MIKA topped most of the contests!
  10. Oh, Rosie! I've become a GOOD girl! No talking behind his back. If I can't talk in front of him, I won't talk behind his back :angel_not:. Sure! :lmfao:

  11. Think twice before you send MIKA to me :naughty:. We've been busy, but he's gone to Italy now so I had time to come to MFC again :roftl:.


    I've missed you too, seriously! :huglove:

  12. Aww, your wall! MIKA in red! I should have come back sooner!:wub2:

  13. Hi francoise! :huglove:

    I was swamped in work, deadlines hanging above my head, so I decided to step back and dedicate to work 24/7. First I was planning on leaving a note, but I knew that if I logged in again, I'd lose my soul to MFC. But I'm fine, better than before. Not so sleep-deprived any more and ready to catch up with what I've missed :roftl: and there seems to be A LOT! I had planned to stay away until Monday, but I couldn't resist the temptation any more. A week without MFC and with no MIKAmusic is all a girl can take :naughty:.

    How have you been?

  14. Yeah, that's true! Unless his umbilical cord is extensible :teehee:. But actually I am planning on going to London, not to try to find MIKA's house or to stalk him, but simply because I haven't been there yet. There's a MFC gathering in January, but I'm afraid I can't make it :(.

  15. I must admit I haven't read the rules (not in detail anyway) :teehee:. I have an impression that I heard or read something about him buying a house, but I can't be sure, cause in the last 4 months I've had so much MIKAinformation that I don't know where, when or even IF I heard it or whether I simply dreamed of it :lmfao:.


    His flat IS awesome! All the playthings and the shoe shelf! My fav! It's like an exhibition.


    It would be odd, of course, if he lived in a big(ger) house, considering that he felt necessary to tweet after spending 3 nights a row in his apartment. MIKA constantly on tour or recording the house would be lonely :teehee:.

  16. Hi! I'm in Edinburgh, so it's quite a long way from here to MIKA's flat, wherever it is in the posh K***ton. Didn't he move house in spring (not that we should discuss it, probably :lmfao:)?

  17. Because I've been "working" for the last 3 hours instead of WORKING . The deadline is like an axe above my head and in 10 days both of them are going to fall! :eek:
  18. I have a very short memory when it comes to coming to terms with MIKA hiding *cries without running away*
  19. One vid is this (such a wubby-wubby hilarious vid :wub2:), but I've read and heard it in other places as well.
  20. OK, I take back the MIKA-no-back-pain part Me neither! Shh! Be quiet, the man is working!
  21. That's exactly what I thought and that's exactly why I wrote it from both of the positions I wish I had stayed there and talked to him, but instead I got on the bus shortly after . So, you in the bus stop, if you ever read this by any chance, PM me!
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