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Everything posted by Siu

  1. He's the reason why I sometimes flirt with the idea of getting a TV licence I know he could be my father, but just look at him
  2. Yeah, but we shouldn't rush ahead of events. There's still a good number of years before that'll happen . We're not talking about him losing his falsetto (are we!?) though I'm sure that will happen long before balding. So unfortunately
  3. So that we could hear his new baby making some more of the "annoying noises :wub2:" that we so fancy on the previous two . I truly can't understand why his mother found it so inappropriate to compare his excitement before launching the second album with pregnancy. I can truly relate to that, although I doubt he had such terrible back pains As much as I'm sad I'm also soooo excited
  4. It's the *Handsome, Ridiculously Good Looking Guys that you fancy the heck out of* thread and I see a lot of pics of one above But OK, I get what you mean. Here's one
  5. Since the tapping one was a "he", it makes me the girl with the silly smile . It was a truly funny moment. All the more so because I was listening to Holy Johnny and later thinking about the incident I wasn't sure whether he had said "a sacred moment" or "a holy moment", but I believe that if he had said the latter, I would have replied "Holy Johnny" I had Ring-Ring as my alarm sound when I regularly had 3 hour sleeps at night . Now I'm back to the usual By the Time
  6. Where did the baldness issue come up? He's 27!?
  7. He's beauty does not depend on how he holds his head. It just makes you see different angles of it. Up or down or profile
  8. Is he house trained now or what!? :eek: That's no way to treat a man!
  9. My mathematics sucks The description for #2 does not coincide with the name after it. I know no man in grey undies and birdy shirt that has a bad hairstyle
  10. "This video contains content from Vevo, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds" Thanks UK! Again! Have to look elsewhere to find sex on legs
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