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Everything posted by Siu

  1. 7 votes to go until MIKA is #14 in Actor of the Month. I'm not going to bed before he has moved up one position . I hope I don't have to stay up another two hours :roftl:
  2. Still quite the same , but also a bit Idealistically fine Naughty Light-hearted Overwhelmed Very oddly Excited
  3. I honestly thought at first that he was a prank played by a (huge!) group of people - look at the name: ME-NO-WIN, a name suggesting that someone decided to create a character and push it in contests a little just to have fun and with no attempt to win anything, but then it got big for some odd reason. But then I searched a little and he really seems to exist. See for example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menowin_Fr%C3%B6hlich. OR, it is a truly large-scale joke, but for some reason I doubt that. If we could only buy Menowin's fans over ! My oh my! Wouldn't that be great
  4. ! Sunday Review ! Musician_of_the_Month @mikasounds #16 (-1) Top_YouTube_Video @MIKAVEVO MIKA - RedOne - Kick Ass (We Are Young) #1 @Terezqa27 MIKA - ''KICK ASS'' BEHIND THE SCENES #2 @MlleRyu Mika - Kick Ass Live [Live In Seoul 2010, Olympic Hall] #3 @cutmore2 - Mika Vs RedOne - Kick Ass (Cutmore Radio Remix)#4 (-) Top_YouTube_Musician @MikaSoundsOfficial #1 @MikaSoundsBlog #2 @MIKAVEVO #3 Follow_Me @mikasounds #3 (+1) Actor_of_the_Month @mikasounds #15 (-1) Best_Music_Website mikasounds.com #4 Best_Celebrity_Website mikasounds.com #7 (+3) Best_Fansite mikafanclub.com #11 (-1) Best_Forum_Message_Board_or_Blog mikasounds.com #2 mikafanclub.com #3 (+1) Mr_YouTube @MikaSoundsOfficial #1 @MikaSoundsBlog #2 @MIKAVEVO #3 Mr_Twitter @mikasounds #6 Top_YouTube_Channel @MikaSoundsOfficial #1 (+1) @MikaSoundsBlog #2 (+1) @MIKAVEVO #4 Best_Pet @Mikasdog #1 Sexiest_Twitter @mikasounds #4 (+1)
  5. That's amazing! :thumb_yello: 1 more vote and @MikaSoundsBlog is #2! We've still got 10 days to make MIKA #1, #2 and #3!
  6. Well done - MIKA safely #16!!! Let's try to keep him there until until the end of the contest tomorrow night!
  7. Tonight the musician of the month gave his last concert before releasing his third album Vote him the Musician of the Month in Faxo http://tweeter.faxo.com/Musician_of_the_Month/2010/10 Only 2 days left!
  8. So I missed a few smilies! Actually I didn't forget them - I was one big bunch excitement. Nothing carnal about it!


    Rosie, I love the pic! Honestly! And I love the new hair! And I love the lashes! And I love the nose! And I love the lips! And I love the ears! And I love the... :blush-anim-cl:

  9. Yep, Rosie! I saw him on livestream from Buenos Aires last night! :wub2: My oh my was I happy! I was all :clap::insane::bow::kachinga::punk::roll1::boing::fangurl::woot_jump: all at the same time. Can you believe it!? :wub2::wub2:

  10. Hi Rosie! The freshest MIKApics ever:




    I wish you had been online! It was sooo great to see him live again :wub2:

  11. MIKA gave another great show tonight! He is the Best Musician of the Month, the Sexiest Twitter, the Top Youtube Musician, etc. VOTING HOT LIST Closes 23/11 at 00.00 (GMT -6) Musician_of_the_Month @mikasounds http://tweeter.faxo.com/Musician_of_the_Month/2010/10?page=1 Close 2/12 at 00.00 (GMT -6) Top_YouTube_Video @MIKAVEVO MIKA - RedOne - Kick Ass (We Are Young) @Terezqa27 MIKA - ''KICK ASS'' BEHIND THE SCENES @MlleRyu Mika - Kick Ass Live [Live In Seoul 2010, Olympic Hall] @cutmore2 - Mika Vs RedOne - Kick Ass (Cutmore Radio Remix) http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Video/2010/11 Top_YouTube_Musician @MikaSoundsOfficial @MikaSoundsBlog @MIKAVEVO http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Musician/2010/11 OTHER CONTESTS Close 23/11 at 00.00 (GMT -6) Follow_Me @mikasounds http://tweeter.faxo.com/Follow_Me/2010/10 Actor_of_the_Month @mikasounds http://tweeter.faxo.com/Actor_of_the_Month/2010/10 Best_Music_Website mikasounds.com http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Music_Website/2010/10 Best_Celebrity_Website mikasounds.com http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Celebrity_Website/2010/10 Best_Fansite mikafanclub.com http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Fansite/2010/10 Best_Forum_Message_Board_or_Blog mikasounds.com mikafanclub.com http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Forum_Message_Board_or_Blog/2010/10 Close 2/12 at 00.00 (GMT -6) Mr_YouTube @MikaSoundsOfficial @MikaSoundsBlog @MIKAVEVO http://tweeter.faxo.com/Mr_YouTube/2010/11 Mr_Twitter @mikasounds http://tweeter.faxo.com/Mr_Twitter/2010/11 Top_YouTube_Channel @MikaSoundsOfficial @MikaSoundsBlog @MIKAVEVO http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Channel/2010/11 Best_Pet @Mikasdog http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Pet/2010/11 Closes 5/12 at 00.00 (GMT -6) Sexiest_Twitter @mikasounds http://tweeter.faxo.com/Sexiest_Twitter/2010/11
  12. It's good that you understand that! Sleep on it. Wait a few days. Maybe you really are seeing things in darker colours.
  13. I guess that's the key to his success. In addition to his fabulous voice and the ability to write songs that sweep you off your feet, of course . Even though he has said that he sometimes has no idea what's he doing or where he's heading I think that he has a rather clear idea of which way he wants his life and music to go.
  14. Did he call you a "fan" instead of previous "friend"? Giving someone a bit of time and space usually never does any harm. It rather shows that you have your own life and you don't cling on to other people. Equally, you say that he's rather busy - video shoots etc. I'd suggest what DQ said earlier: wait for a few days and if he doesn't contact you, take the first step just to ask how he's doing or thank him for the nice parts of the weekend (unless you have done that already) or something other that seems to fit.
  15. This reminds me of what he said about his wax double: I'm going to bring him home, put him in my bed and say, "Ah its okay, let’s get married, we'll be just fine!" The pic is amazingly cute!
  16. I don't know what exactly happened and so on, but I understand you feel very bad and insecure about it. Maybe what happened came unexpectedly to him and he also needs some time to think things through? DQ is right, try not to be intrusive and let him start missing you. (Easier said than done!) I guess that an important thing is to find yourself something to do while waiting the peak to pass. This will a) help the time go past faster and b) make you feel better about yourself, when you realise that you can function well even at difficult times instead of pitying yourself. Again easier said than done of course. But you're not alone, you have us!
  17. My thoughts exactly! When the end was drawing closer (I watched it for the first time a few days ago) I was thinking that the moment it ends, I'll replay it again although it was nearly 3 am. Never did, but watched Rain on YT for several times
  18. DA Take your time. Cry if you need to, be angry at him or yourself or anyone, if you need to. Be scared of what will happen to your relationship, if yo need to. But don't attempt to make any decision before you have gone through the "mourning" period. You'll see things cleared then. Things didn't go well that weekend, you think you messed up - if his your true friend, he will continue to be that. If he's not, then, although you will feel very bad for some time, you'll be better off knowing the truth.
  19. Thanks, I joined! Just the right place for me :lmfao:

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