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Everything posted by Siu

  1. What a bright boy! He needs the amulet, especially now with his new haircut and the birds shirt, which hasn't attracted to many fans yet
  2. Thank you, Jaya! Today I found another lovely detail about Rain - at the very end after the "rain and rain and rain and rains" part, when he sings the lines "more than this baby, I hate days like (this)" the first time he says "baby" his voice is so fragile, the word basically breaking on his lips. I normally don't stop a song to re-listen parts of it again, but I guess I must have listened to these few seconds at least a dozen times before forcing myself to stop doing that.
  3. MELACHI vs MIKA vs Is MIKA a better as a musician or Melachi cuter as a puppy? Melachi is #1 in Best Pet contest with more than 1000 votes more than the pet #2!! MIKA is #17 in Musician of the Month contest, having dropped 2 places since Sunday. Only 4 days have remained until the end of the competition and we should try to push MIKA #15 before the contest closes.
  4. There's only one contest were different fan clubs compete, but all the rest are about MIKA's music, etc. so it should not be a problem. Besides, I've voted for all the three fan clubs, because at the end of the day it doesn't matter which FC has the highest position as long as it's a MIKA FC.
  5. Well, he was supposed to be "not vulgar" :teehee: I like the view, though :naughty:

  6. I wonder why are hubbies always on the way, when it comes to MIKA? Can't complain ATM, though - mine's nicely off to work, but in the evening, when usually a lot of action takes place in MFC, I'm always offline because of him
  7. Man of my taste. Has always been. I once even had a boyfriend looking like him Can you spot the (maybe only) similarity? Wonder why they do that!?
  8. Be my guest! Always happy to have friends over :lmfao:

  9. I didn't find one' date=' but Rain can separately be found on Youtube and I guess there was a link also somewhere in the thread. I actually like it that Rain is not IN the vid, cause I like to watch it as the last bit. It's just sooo beautiful and I like the idea that when the song ends with the high note, which leaves everything open, there's really nothing else coming to interrupt the perfect moment and I can enjoy the echo of the note in my mind for a little bit longer You can find it on Youtube But use the link with caution - beauty can kill, you know EDIT: it's not a download link, but I didn't have the patience to read all the posts before replying . Patience is a virtue, I know
  10. Sure a girl sees when there's something left for the girl to see :lmfao:. Which unfortunately doesn't happen very often :naughty:

  11. Wishful thinking ! But yeah, it sure looked that way Thanks for the link, Gracekelly85!
  12. Something for your profile collection, Francoise :wink2:



  13. Did I notice the lip thing!? Rosie, I do have eyes, you know :lmfao:


    I do have eyes indeed...


  14. But of course! How could I have forgotten! Along with Rain, BE has been one of my favourites! Actually, I can't think of any song I DON'T like. There are a few I like less and there are those that I simply love, but there s not a single song I would rather not listen. How could that be!?
  15. I've just highlighted these along with Rain in another thread too Yes, I loved the way MIKA was like a conductor, never seen him quite this way. Or would he call himself a circus master ? He does it on stage too, but usually there's so many other things going on that his little signs get lost. Or maybe it was because it was a performance that they had not prepared for in detail, it was so sincere and spontaneous - exactly as it was meant to be. It was a bit like the jam session he had ... a year ago (?) . Totally cool and hot at the same time . He's such a great artist! I still can't believe it! But there's one thing that struck me. Not that I hadn't figured it out already myself, but hearing him talking about not wanting to be alone and always surrounding himself with people... He's always so smiley and happy and has such a wonderful life and career that one might thing he's on cloud seven, but when you listen to his song, these are sad. What you read from the lyrics is loneliness, wish to be accepted for what he is. Glittery outside but sad inside (My face is not sad, but inside, I am sad).
  16. Thanks everyone for the downloads! It was the best musical experience I've had in the last 2 months and 24 days! It was utterly amazing - beautiful, sweet and funny. I've always liked Rain, any version of it - CD, acoustic, a capella - but this was the best I've ever heard! I'm still under the spell . I've brought this thread up again, cause I think that there are many newbies like me, who have not yet seen this "living room gig" and missing it would be a shame.
  17. Oh, if you want cute, watch this . A brother like this! At 1:41 - I don't know whether it's a la "Smile, sister!" with his little finger or just an unconscious movement, but i'ts truly adorable!
  18. Mikasister, you never re-posted the pic in the smile thread, but so belongs here! And I think that this one belongs to the same family of smiles
  19. Me too! A lot! Especially the "spread your wings and fly" pic!
  20. It also belongs to the tonsils thread :roftl:
  21. I can't see it :sad:. It says that the file has been removed due to violation of Imageshack terms of service blahblahblah :crybaby:


    I believe it's something I'd really like to see ... :naughty:. Am I right or m I right :lmfao:



    PS I finally watched the vid you have in your siggie and ... I wish I hadn't. The game he's playing with his lips at the end of the first minute - he's cruel :swoon:.


    Plus I wish I was the mic (as lame as it sounds).


    Plus the part you have in your siggie - I'd do with him what he does with the smells he likes - conserve him. But no, he'd fade. He cannot be captured. He's so happy and so lucky, yet I believe he must also have a lonelier and sadder side to his heart. Happy and glittering outside, but serious and sad inside, just like his songs.


    Huh, Siu, stop the melancholy :lmfao:

  22. If any one of you is or knows someone who is a member in the French and German (or any other) MIKA fan club, please ask them to share the link to this page: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24995. The FAXO contests are not MFC centered, these are public. I believe that ALL the fans of MIKA should join the forces regardless of which MIKA fan club they belong to. ____________________________________________________________
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