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Everything posted by Siu

  1. If you can't vote using your Twitter account, click the "I'm Human" button. There have occasionally been problems with voting through Twitter, but voting as a human has never failed. You can even double up your votes by voting first as a human and then sign in Twitter and vote again. It doesn't work the other way around, though and you have to close the window and reopen all the tabs when you switch from human to Twitter. So if you have a lot of free time and nothing else to do...
  2. :Update: :Update: Thanks, BiaIchihara Added this one on the first page as well. It currently is #8 with 193 votes, MIKA is #1-3. Present #4 has 220 votes, so it should not be too difficult to override it. A whole lot of votes needed for @cutmore2 - Mika Vs RedOne - Kick Ass (Cutmore Radio Remix) at http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Video/2010/11
  3. I also like the word Mikalomania or Mikalomaniac a lot. Mikalomania - A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of MIKA Have it as my user title
  4. This I call hair This is even more of the hair But his is definitely THE MOST of what I've seen
  5. Aristocratic, I'd say. The colours, the posture, the sceptre in his hand The prince before his castle.
  6. I've decapitated (or rather debodied ) the man. Doesn't he look gorgeous!?
  7. :exclamation: :exclamation: MIKA has gone back 2 positions in Musician of the Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Musician_of_the_Month/2010/10?page=1 MORE VOTES NEEDED!!!
  8. I can see his lips! Very well indeed! But I can't ignore the fact that he's wearing a dotted shirt , yet I still like a 8-year-old
  9. Is he on his knee? Where's the ring? Who's the lucky one? "Will you marry me?" he asked, eyes burning like a big flame :roftl:
  10. Hi Francoise! :bye:

    I'm living in MIKAland, where there's no day and no night :lmfao:

    But actually I'm in the UK, getting too little sleep lately :lmfao:. I am trying to cut down on MFC a bit though :roftl:.


    Where do you live? Your name is French but your morning starts when I'm doing my last hours here :teehee:

  11. Thank you, everyone! Both for your votes and your support! Before getting organised I sometimes felt desperate, because even though I voted as much as I could, MIKA's positions hardly ever improved. Now we're having ups and downs, but nevertheless out of the 14 contests in 6 of these MIKA is in Top 3 ! Let's keep voting and sharing the link in our siggies, Twitter, Facebook, ... LET'S KEEP MIKA GOLDEN!
  12. This is chocolate and it seems that ponies have had a month off
  13. I only see eyes on the pic . And a chest that looks like a meadow after a herd of ponies has been spending a day there . Sorry Meeks, but who asked you to shave your chest
  14. Thanks Alba! :huglove: This gasmic view is for you


  15. That's the dream I once had! I was hoping that if even 1% of them voted once daily, that would make 200 votes per each day. But I read somewhere that there are around 300 members who are active daily, so luckily we are doing better than I expected, cause we have more than 3 members voting every day .
  16. Beautiful pictures, Kumazzz! Thank you for posting these!
  17. I tried, but the result was bad. The pic lost it's sharpness. I better enjoy it small and clear.
  18. The man's already taken! Now I've come back to get the watch No-no, it's not quite the same pic! You find me a bigger of the other and I'll be all and . Haven't managed to find one yet myself . But the the way the light reflects from the eye on the bigger is pictureperfect!
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