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Everything posted by Siu

  1. Try signing in clicking on the "I'm human" button. This works. I wonder whether I'd be able to vote twice as much if I sign in with my twitter account + as Human in another browser or is it IP based?
  2. Fabulous Koko pics! The first has been one of my favs ever since I saw it for the first time. His posture on the pic is for some reason so captivating . The second - never seen it before!
  3. Thanks Francoise! I looked and I did smile! My grumpy morning became a lot sunnier
  4. I wish it was my (only) reason. The reality is much duller:emot-sad:. But I have my music in my ears and if I get very bored I allow myself a few glimpses on my other desktop. True sight for sore eyes, wouldn't you say? Yet completely innocent pleasure.






    I try not to look at this, cause I doubt I will have a nice morning ... in a few hours :lmfao:




    The short time I've been in MFC has truly messed me up but I like being messed up like that.

  5. Two hours less than where you are, I believe :lmfao:. Why aren't you sleeping? Why aren't I sleeping!? OK, I know the answer to the last question too well...

  6. Thanks Christine! I must admit I have been rather obsessed the last few months, so I may be a late bloomer but I'm a fast learner
  7. That's the reason why I clicked on it Where was that? Reading the tracklisting now it seems so unbelievable that it could have been anything else but a joke. Rehabilitation, Into the Woods, Dinosour (vs Dinosaur ) these don't strike me as Mikaish titles. But that is after-wit, of course. Yup! But considering that I found out about MIKA only three months ago it's not that bad, is it?
  8. The joke was rather witty! But yeah, I was thinking about the Seven Words album. It might have been an issue to discuss nearly 2 years ago but now the Wiki entry seems odd and funny. But such is life - full of surprises. Before today I wouldn't have believed that MIKA writes songs that suit boy bands, but hey, he does. I know I'm a late bloomer
  9. Is it vital to read the previous 45 pages to understand the humour? Cause I'm completely lost. Must be the time...
  10. But instead you were hunting pics for me ! James or MIKA? MIKA or James? Oh, is a tough one...
  11. There are eyes on the pic, so no worries A little grammar lesson, hun: Mine is ending, Yours should have ended a long time ago. Getting close to 2 at that part of the world, uh?
  12. If (wo)man is out of nippings (wo)man needs to go out for a hunt, but this particular woman is stuck in the middle of work and some more work for the eternity to come I wish Santa's little helpers will put some extra time in my slipper when the time comes
  13. Hey Natacha, what's going on in your siggie !? Some flea-nibbling!?
  14. Oh, yeah! It is THE nipping thread! almost forgot I wish I had something to post too, but no - haven't been out hunting for sooo long. Welcome to MFC and to the nipping thread! Please do look out for pics of MIKA the Nibbler! I'd be soo grateful !
  15. :thumb_yello:MIKA still #4 ATM with 1441 votes!!! #3 - 1708 VOTES // #5 - 1414 VOTES Alice #15 with 1076 votes!!! #14 - 1104 VOTES // #16 - 1071 VOTES I guess we should be able to keep them there!
  16. :exclamation: LESS THAT 2 DAYS LEFT TO VOTE FOR MIKA AT FOLLOW ME http://tweeter.faxo.com/Follow_Me/2010/10 MIKA is #5 ATM, but he has a good position to be #4!!! Let's keep our eye on the clock and vote every 20 minutes!!!
  17. I hate and love the audience. Would he have still seemed so tortured and sad had the crowd listened to him holding their breath? I know it's a bit cruel but so breathtakingly beautiful!
  18. He has a truly amazing collection of jackets. My fav of casual jackets is this and I like this a lot too and these and there are others, but I'm not going make a jacket parade here ATM , though I' love to see his stylish jackets all on one page
  19. KOKO, 2007 - "Over My Shoulder" - le génie tourmenté :wub2:
  20. He's not my ex, you know that much, dot ya ?
  21. WOW! We've moved! I love moving - house, country, you name it! Hi girls, time for a little housewarming and we even have a guest of honour
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