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Everything posted by Siu

  1. I know there's MIKA's nose FC but is there also a special thread for nose crumpling (or wrinkling ?!? - native speakers! help with the right word )? It's just sooooo cute!
  2. Well done, everyone! :thumb_yello: Numbers are going up and the positions are still good. Lets try to get MIKA #10 at Musician of the Month, shall we!? @RyanKellyCT is moving ahead fast but let's try to catch him.
  3. I'm running out of photos! And I can only listen to YT cause I need my eyes for finishing my design for the t-shirt contest, so no more finger nibbling from me until I'm donated a lot of free time. Any volunteers?
  4. Getting hurt again? Be wise and take your time to choose well (this is my grandmother talking, not me ) Mine is smart, he'd start with the introductions thread and move on from there. He knows when I dug out the gold recently and he would find me in no time.
  5. I could also have thought twice and choose a less distinctive name. But what's done is done! Love doesn't hurt. What hurts is when you find out there was no love to start with. By love I mean respect and trust and the rest of the ingredients that go in the recipe.
  6. +1 (I should have a slap on the wrist for saying that )
  7. If someone has a real stalker for husband and he knew his wife spend a lot of time in MFC, he would find a way of narrowing down the members of whom he believes that one might be his wife. In my now 300 (! ) posts I have revealed quite a many details about me and if my hubby ever wanted to stalk me here, he'd definitely find me rather easily. He wouldn't do that, though, or if he would, he'd be smart enough to keep it from me. And if he didn't do that either, we'd have a serious case! But were happily married, so I have nothing to worry . Besides, I have never written anything to compromise myself, only what I think and feel and if he REALLY wanted to know that, thinking that knowing is better than not knowing, then hey! I would not stop him!
  8. I don't think you should feel pathetic or maybe I'm saying that only to comfort myself, because I totally share your feelings. A MIKA a day keeps my sorrows away . I'm referring to his songs, of course . One of my friends once said she listens to MIKA when she's blue, it helps her cheer up again. I do it in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Maybe I'm just in the very early stage of MIKAttraction - next week will be 3 months since discovering him. I'm not complaining, because it doesn't make me sad, I get my everyday things more or less done. Actually I'm happier than I was before because I feel alive again. I've had little flings like that in my head a few times before (which maybe doesn't make me the best wife, but I think I'm not alone in the boat, but sitting there with a large number of other women. And men) but I can't compare these to what I'm feeling now. Previous cases have been with men I've known in RL which has been one reason why these have not lasted, because A) they've turned out to be less perfect than my illusions and B) I'm not looking for any trouble in my RL. The MIKAland in my head is a place I go (maybe too often, if you asked my husband) to find my peace. He stands for so many things I believe in but have not had the courage to admit. One thing I've learned from him is that you should not limit yourself and you should not be ashamed of what you do or believe in.
  9. A good husband - isn't he a "house-trained pet" anyway and I mean it with the biggest respect I have for my husband. "Thought you found the man you wanted Until you turn him into something new" It's amazing how MIKA in his songs has put my thoughts, which I tend to express in a rather lengthy and clumsy way, in just a few prefect lines. A marriage or partnership is all about making compromises, finding the "golden mean". In the process you change yourself and you change the other person and sometimes the result does not satisfy you and you opt to split up. I've gone through the process and I'm happy with the result and that's why I would think twice before eloping with MIKA. Or with anyone, for that matter. MIKA has flaws, that's for sure, we just don't know about these. We see the side of him he has chosen to show but I'm positive that the moment we started living with him would be the moment we started changing him. We have this illusion of what he's like and we'd want to turn him into the vision. I doubt there is anyone reading the thread admitting that (s)he would be happy with the MIKA the way he is. And this is absolutely normal. And this is also why relationships like that are doomed to fail. We fancy a public figure, we have an illusion of him, we by chance get together, he's not like we've imagined in real life, we'd want to turn him into our illusion, he wouldn't change (not as much as we'd like to) and we'd split up. It's more difficult with people we think we know well (read: have created an illusion of) before we actually meet them. When you get to know an "ordinary" person you have no expectations (or you have a lot less of these) and you learn to know him based on what you see and thus you have a clearer picture of what he actually is. Thinking of MIKA we see him as a gorgeous-looking, sensitive, friendly, witty .... man with a fabulous smile and the most perfect curls (and again so on) and we tend to think that this IS him also in RL but the fact is that we don't know. OK, I'm starting to repeat myself already so I put a full stop, but I think you understand what I'm saying.
  10. I am looking for... active voters and a way to revive the voting thread (http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11956&highlight=vote&page=106). Last night I posted a message there (see below) calling people to vote for MIKA but this thread doesn't have many visitors. So if anyone has good ideas on how to make the traffic in the thread busier, let me know! I was also thinking about making access to active contests easier for people by having direct links handy ... well somewhere, but I think it's a question to be discussed with the mods!?
  11. I've always liked this one a lot! I don't know why.
  12. I'm not IN LOVE with MIKA, I'm OBSESSED by him. I'm a secret mikaholic, who carefully hides everything related to MIKA, erases History on her computer before closing the lid and admits to "only sometimes" listening to MIKA's songs. I frequently have "hangovers" due to having listened to his music till early hours or watched his interviews in Youtube. I wake up grumpy, wanting more to relieve the shaking of my hands. BUT, I would (probably) never leave my husband for MIKA. At least not before I knew him well as a person, not simply as a musician. In my daydreams, yes, in real life, no. I closed my eyes for a moment and imagined his face and now I'm not so sure any more, but most probably I'd be a coward. I've said before that most of all I would like to have him as my friend, but I've also added that I'd soon be wanting more than that. (Un)fortunatley, I will never have to make that choice. As for what tiibet said about „not daydreaming about anyone else than my husband” - I never daydream about my husband. He's with me day in day out and I don't need to dream about him. I am committed to him though, and I respect and trust him and have all the other feelings necessary for a good partnership – that's what marriage is, isn't it? I wouldn't call it LOVE for this is just a convenient word people use to reassure themselves and the other person that they are OK in their relationship. „Love is just a cautionary, momentary, reactionary lie” and I'm not saying that because I'm fangurling, because this is what I believed in already before my MIKA-time. He just says is so much shorter and better. And for the very same reason I cannot claim I love MIKA. But I really would like to know him and, as someone in another thread put it „pick his brain”, because his so brilliantly witty and smart!
  13. It's this vid: My siggy is from this one:
  14. Thanks! :thumb_yello:I noticed that I'm not the only one, but not too many votes coming in, though In Music of the Month MIKA is #9! Well done! All the other positions are the same.
  15. „I take the personality of the Cheshire Cat. The teeth are sharp. There... I'm ready to bite, but the power is in the smile.” This quote goes with the picture
  16. I'm quite sure he doesn't . But "tour bus" is a lot shorter than "first class planes and 5 star hotels", yet clearly coveys the meaning .
  17. I definitely LOOK younger than MIKA :roftl:. I don't know, I've never (in all the three months I've been aware of his existence ) taken him for an adolescent who likes to talk but has not much idea what about. Even in his earliest interviews he's truly smart. And his witty! Surely there's some boyish behaviour (even now though unfortunately a lot less, because I find it sweet) but it's just probably he being himself. I think that when you have a background like his and you live your life the way he does then you look at the world with your eyes more open than most of us do.
  18. My husband is 4 years younger than me , but since he's so much smarter and wiser I often forget it. People often believe we're the same age or that I'm younger (because that would be more conventional )
  19. I voted and I still hold the same opinion as I expressed in the shrinks thread: thanks, but no thanks. MAYBE, if I didn't have kids and my life was as it is - in need of some excitement - I'd give it a try and see what happens. Not telling my hubby of course, cause it would be a comfy place to go back to if things didn't work out with Meeks . God, I'm deceitful! . But it wouldn't work out anyway. He cannot be domesticated, not yet anyway, and I wouldn't like to have a tour bus as my home.
  20. I believe it's a crochet hat, made of this plastic or nylon kind of a string. I used to have a white ladies' hat like that when I was a child. It was rather uncomfortable though, made my forehead itch, because the texture was so rough!
  21. Thanks I hope it works, too . This thread does not have very many visitors .
  22. Current status: MikaFanClub #5 in Best Fansite ACCOMPLISHED!!! MIKA #10 in Musician of the Month - ACCOMPLISHED!!! MIKA #14 in Follow Me - 20 votes less than present #14 Two out of three is very good! And we had a lot of votes today! Now I have this dream: What if we had a new goal – MIKA #1 in all the possible categories? We are a long way from #1, but if we worked as a team, I'm sure we could do it. There are two reasons why I think we should at least give it a try: Firstly This would give as a possibility to challenge ourselves to see, if we can work as a family towards a common goal; to test, whether we have what it takes to achieve something which at first may seem impossible. We have MIKA as a perfect role model to prove us that if you know what you want and you set your mind to it, nothing is impossible. Think back to the beginning of his career! Secondly If we could reach our goal, it would be a perfect gift for MIKA from MFC as a whole before he disappears to record his new album. This would be our way of wishing him good luck with the new album and showing him that there is a large number of people truly appreciating what he does. This is my dream! How to accomplish it? There are over 20,000 registered users in MFC. I don't know, how many of them are active users but even if we have only 1% of the members to join that would make 200 people and if all of them voted in all the categories at least once a day, we would have 200 votes per day per category! There should be a smaller group of people, who'd be ready to vote several times a day. You can vote once in every 20 minutes and if you keep all of the contests open on different tabs, all you have to do is to refresh and vote! The contest remaining time varies for different categories: 16 days for Follow Me, 27 days for Musician of the Month, the Best Fansite, Best Music Website, Best Website. We can vote on the following pages (the number in brackets shows the current position as of the moment of posting): Best Fansite at http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Fansite/2010/10 (#5) Musician of the Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Musician_of_the_Month/2010/10?page=1 (#10) Follow Me http://tweeter.faxo.com/Follow_Me/2010/10 (#15) Best Website http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Website/2010/10 (#2) Best Music Website http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Music_Website/2010/10 (#4)
  23. Isn't is! The one I initially had in mind was ... funnier . You can find it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH4tctwDhJw, mins 1.10-1.16. I find it really sweet. Not too manly but very sweet
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